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Hey guys....i just want to know in behalf of you...something popping out my mind everytime am thinking about Philippines, a home that i could say that i can be proud of. Do you ever sometimes think that it is better enough to live there which ended you up to think that philippines is better than uk or any place wherever part you are in outside phils? Have you sometimes began to realize that no matter how good your lifestyle here but still there is a part of yourself that is missing about. Oh yeah I myself sometimes think of that way, ,although I am contended for what life brings me out in here, no matter how nice the environment or the places you've seen but still there is only one place that you wish to be with for life. I miss my homeplace, I miss every single steps of my way there, Cebu is where I came from. I am living with that place for 28 years and so as be with my family, friends,cousins, neighbors, relatives for same years, so hard to accept yet how far I am with them and everything change out in just one click.
Do you guys feel the same or you get used to it already?