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Thread: tell me how much you badly miss home

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  1. #1
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    tell me how much you badly miss home

    Hey guys....i just want to know in behalf of you...something popping out my mind everytime am thinking about Philippines, a home that i could say that i can be proud of. Do you ever sometimes think that it is better enough to live there which ended you up to think that philippines is better than uk or any place wherever part you are in outside phils? Have you sometimes began to realize that no matter how good your lifestyle here but still there is a part of yourself that is missing about. Oh yeah I myself sometimes think of that way, ,although I am contended for what life brings me out in here, no matter how nice the environment or the places you've seen but still there is only one place that you wish to be with for life. I miss my homeplace, I miss every single steps of my way there, Cebu is where I came from. I am living with that place for 28 years and so as be with my family, friends,cousins, neighbors, relatives for same years, so hard to accept yet how far I am with them and everything change out in just one click.

    Do you guys feel the same or you get used to it already?

  2. #2
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    I used to feel the same...

    But, when I came home last year, it wasn't the same place I used to know...

    (but I terribly miss my mother)

  3. #3
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    I used to feel the same...

    But, when I came home last year, it wasn't the same place I used to know...

    (but I terribly miss my mother)
    I also felt the same with you! strange, isn't it?

    When I visited Phils. last March, I enjoyed it at first, it's nice meeting families & friends again. But few days later I felt wanting to go back to UK, I think this is my new home now.
    with a heart full of love, you will express your highest potential while also fulfilling your soul's deepest purpose:

  4. #4
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    I used to feel the same...

    But, when I came home last year, it wasn't the same place I used to know...

    (but I terribly miss my mother)
    Quote Originally Posted by islander View Post
    I also felt the same with you! strange, isn't it?

    When I visited Phils. last March, I enjoyed it at first, it's nice meeting families & friends again. But few days later I felt wanting to go back to UK, I think this is my new home now.

    Yes it is so strange... really strange... a bit sad but then i think we have moved on...

  5. #5
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    I just miss Jed my 4 yrs old son, but I rather stay here, I feel more safe in here

  6. #6
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    I rather stay here, I feel more safe in here
    in terms of safety Phils and UK are almost the same IMO, there are places here that you can't hardly walk on your own or you rather not go there and stay home. The thing I like here is the justice system is good but soft in some cases but not as terrible as Phils judicial system in Phils is hopeless

  7. #7
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    everything I miss about Phils.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    Hey guys....i just want to know in behalf of you...something popping out my mind everytime am thinking about Philippines, a home that i could say that i can be proud of. Do you ever sometimes think that it is better enough to live there which ended you up to think that philippines is better than uk or any place wherever part you are in outside phils? Have you sometimes began to realize that no matter how good your lifestyle here but still there is a part of yourself that is missing about. Oh yeah I myself sometimes think of that way, ,although I am contended for what life brings me out in here, no matter how nice the environment or the places you've seen but still there is only one place that you wish to be with for life. I miss my homeplace, I miss every single steps of my way there, Cebu is where I came from. I am living with that place for 28 years and so as be with my family, friends,cousins, neighbors, relatives for same years, so hard to accept yet how far I am with them and everything change out in just one click.

    Do you guys feel the same or you get used to it already?
    I do miss home a lot and all the comforts attached to it and my family in particular. I even miss our maid
    But i am married now, and so my home is where my husband is.
    I now have a family of my own to raise and attend to. It's part of growing up. Besides, internet make things easy coz we can always chat to our family members and friends back home anytime we want to. That's what i do, i chat to my mom and sibblings practically everyday, it makes me feel like they're just nearby, like i've never been away
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
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  9. #9
    Respected Member thejarvs's Avatar
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    Not much i would say, I miss my sister but in my heart and in my thought my husband and my son is my new family. Don't get me wrong, ofcourse my family in Philippines is still a family but once you got married you have to move on with your new life but that doesn't mean that your going to forget your homeland and your relative back there.

    Maybe i can say these things because my memories in Philppines are not as wonderfull as yours.

    Philippines is beautiful but lets admit, Britian is far more beautifull than our country. I love the real nature; the blue bells in the woods, squirel running arround in the park, the birds just playing in the garden. Its absolutely fantastic.

    There are only two things that i don't like here; the long winter and the lack of community in a way that if you get out of the house, you can't just have a chat with your neighbours.
    Mark, Cristina & Raffy

  10. #10
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    not matter wat people say, i think where ever anybody is from be it phils uk usa or anywhere on this earth,
    deep down in hearts there is no place like home ,no matter if good or bad,

  11. #11
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    For me nothing will ever compare to the Philippines. After having lived here in the UK for 16 years, i can honestly say that my life back home was happier than my life here. I live in Bacolod and people their are just a lot friendlier than here. I can remember going to our neighbours house in the afternoon for 'merienda' and a chat. Here I have to make an appointment to see friends. Here in Ipswich we live in a neighbourhood where we smile and nod when we see each other normally me driving out of our close and them doing something in their front gardens, but never made conversation. I think that we Filipinos in general are just friendly no pun intended to our brit husbands. I miss the weather, the food and most of all the people back home, although I never regretted coming here in the UK, i have been blessed with a husband that take such good care of me and a son that I adore. As the other girls said, we make UK our home coz our husbands are here, but my heart is still back home .
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  12. #12
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    I miss my family and friends,shopping at SM and at Divisoria,even though i do text them everyday and call them sometimes.Luckily we will be home this June


  13. #13
    Respected Member estherboaz's Avatar
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    There is no place like home. but my home now is where my husband is. Dpnt take me wrong, i miss Philippines, my mom and dad and little brother, i miss shopping in Divisoria also.But i found a place here like Divisoria.

  14. #14
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    I do miss home but I came here to make my life complete.

    To be with my husband and our Baby Mia.

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    although you've maybe been told you're to young.
    For those who tell you that,
    that don't know what is.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    I do miss home but uk is my home now and I visit my family back in PI every now and then.But honestly sometimes I do think where do I grow old
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    For me nothing will ever compare to the Philippines. After having lived here in the UK for 16 years, i can honestly say that my life back home was happier than my life here. I live in Bacolod and people their are just a lot friendlier than here. I can remember going to our neighbours house in the afternoon for 'merienda' and a chat. Here I have to make an appointment to see friends. Here in Ipswich we live in a neighbourhood where we smile and nod when we see each other normally me driving out of our close and them doing something in their front gardens, but never made conversation. I think that we Filipinos in general are just friendly no pun intended to our brit husbands. I miss the weather, the food and most of all the people back home, although I never regretted coming here in the UK, i have been blessed with a husband that take such good care of me and a son that I adore. As the other girls said, we make UK our home coz our husbands are here, but my heart is still back home .

    Hey, Maria. I'm glad that I found a kababayan here in the forum. Where abouts are you in Bacolod?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    But, when I came home last year, it wasn't the same place I used to know...
    (but I terribly miss my mother)
    I have to agree with Zobel in this. I feel the same each time I go back Philippines to visit my families. It seems that I don't know the place, anymore. Such a strange feeling.

    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    Hey guys....i just want to know in behalf of you...something popping out my mind everytime am thinking about Philippines, a home that i could say that i can be proud of. Do you ever sometimes think that it is better enough to live there which ended you up to think that philippines is better than uk or any place wherever part you are in outside phils? Have you sometimes began to realize that no matter how good your lifestyle here but still there is a part of yourself that is missing about. Oh yeah I myself sometimes think of that way, ,although I am contended for what life brings me out in here, no matter how nice the environment or the places you've seen but still there is only one place that you wish to be with for life. I miss my homeplace, I miss every single steps of my way there, Cebu is where I came from. I am living with that place for 28 years and so as be with my family, friends,cousins, neighbors, relatives for same years, so hard to accept yet how far I am with them and everything change out in just one click.

    Do you guys feel the same or you get used to it already?
    Not that much. UK is my HOME now rather than the PHILIPPINES. But of course I do miss all my families and my real friends.

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    homesick already

    my misses has not been home for 4yrs, maybe later on in the year, i don't think she misses the phils, but misses seeing her family..

    hold on, things do get better

  18. #18
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    I always miss philippines specially my mum, my niece and nephews.
    I know communication is alot better now compare before... There are times (or maybe most of the times) that after chatting with my family, I still miss them so much.
    I miss driving or just riding a jeepney whenever I feel bored or just want to eat something like banana-que, zagu, tuknene, etc.. and I miss SM even i don't have money to shop (window shopping lang).
    But of course as many of you have said... I'm happy having my own family now. So wether here in UK or in the Philippines as long as I'm with my husband and kids I'm alright

  19. #19
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Hey, Maria. I'm glad that I found a kababayan here in the forum. Where abouts are you in Bacolod?

    Hey, from Homesite but we are really from Silay City. How are you?
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by charlwill View Post
    Hey, Maria. I'm glad that I found a kababayan here in the forum. Where abouts are you in Bacolod?

    Hey, from Homesite but we are really from Silay City. How are you?
    I'm fine thanks. Great, not that far. I used to teach in Pre-school in Villamonte.

  21. #21
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    I can say i have good lifestyle here and so as Philippines. No matter how good is my lifestyle here, I will always cherish and miss my beloved country. Wherever I go, I always think my homeland and family.

    But we need to be with hubby and that's alright. As long as I can visit my family yearly, that's more ok.

  22. #22
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    i do miss the philippines but not that much, not like my hubby almost everyday mention philippines even we're in cuba his mind is there in the philippines. and he was moaning bcoz is not hot there as in the philippines.
    all things are possible!

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