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  1. #61
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
    Hope he gets elected. Nobody else can do the job.
    If you followed the professional money in the markets you'd soon discover out of all the countries on the planet, the UK is the least trusted, with the US 2nd.....why? Well one reason is the massive debt they've both run up that will take at least a decade to pay off. While countries that done NOTHING, which is the correct way.....strangely have no extra debt, and are coming out of recession!!!

    When Cameron said do nothing, that was the correct thing to do, as any professional in the money markets would tell you.
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #62
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Experience in Parliament gives you zero experience at running a country as Brown proves beyond doubt......and I support Labour!!!

    Obama seems to be doing fine with no experience, and Blair didn't have much either.
    at least he has the backing of his ppl not like the Clueless brits.

  3. #63
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    As far as I am aware, any party that gets into power with a new leader has no experience
    Rather it's the new LEADER that has no experience IN GOVERNMENT ... as happened to be the case with Blair. And yes, WILL be again, if Cameron is elected next time round.

    On the other hand, Thatcher did a stint as Education Secretary in the Heath administration, prior to defeating him in the 1975 Conservative Leadership contest, and ultimately becoming Prime Minister approximately four years' later. And, as we're all aware, of course, Brown served under Blair for more than a decade before finally taking over the reins.

  4. #64
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Thanks for that Arther. I couldn't put it across as immaculately as you.

  5. #65
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    On the other hand, Thatcher did a stint as Education Secretary in the Heath administration, prior to defeating him in the 1975 Conservative Leadership contest, and ultimately becoming Prime Minister approximately four years' later. And, as we're all aware, of course, Brown served under Blair for more than a decade before finally taking over the reins.
    Oh, ... and let's not forget John Major, who tried hard to do his best [poor chap!]. But with Thatcher furiously "tugging at the strings" ... all the while, never really had the chance to prove his mettle!

  6. #66
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ....Brown served under Blair for more than a decade before finally taking over the reins.
    .....and? Being an 'accountant' and then being promoted to CEO of a massive limited company, gives you very little experience, especially with only a history degree
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
    he's was shoved in at the deep end. by Blaire.
    He wasn't at all..........

    The snidy, back stabbing, jumped up berk, did his utmost to get Tony Blair out of the way and take his place at no10.
    Now that the knives are out to get him, he doesn't like it......

    If he had an ounce of respect left for the country and the voters, he would pack his bags and go.
    But he is too far up his own , to realize that the Country is sick and tired of him as the face of labour, and labour in general.

    You mark my words.... The moment an election is announced, the pound will shoot upward...

  8. #68
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Blair didn't have much either.

    Virtually NONE, as far as I can recall. Unless you count his short incumbency of the THEN-Opposition's Shadow Home Secretary's post. But there again, this is not a GOVERNMENT appointment.

  9. #69
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    He wasn't at all..........
    I have to agree with Jim here, Dom. He WAS! Blair, being the cunning that he undoubtedly IS, cleverly chose his "moment of departure", being all too aware that the "cards" were heavily stacked against him in the aftermath of the Iraq War fiasco.

  10. #70
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    The snidy, jumped up berk
    Are you sure you aren't referring to TONY BLAIR and his penchant for ingratiating plausibility towards warmongers like, e.g., Obama's predecessor at the White House?

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    He wasn't at all..........

    The snidy, back stabbing, jumped up berk, did his utmost to get Tony Blair out of the way and take his place at no10.
    Now that the knives are out to get him, he doesn't like it......

    If he had an ounce of respect left for the country and the voters, he would pack his bags and go.
    But he is too far up his own , to realize that the Country is sick and tired of him as the face of labour, and labour in general.

    You mark my words.... The moment an election is announced, the pound will shoot upward...
    I agree with that. I always voted Labour but its time for a change but i`m not saying the Tories are any better. Personally I never worried about this recession as the people love to make more of it than actually happens. All the so called experts dont have a clue. The country will come out of this reccession quicker and better than most of the world. Its that thing that brits love to be put down and be pecemistic.
    Everthings doom and gloom they`d have you beleive.
    House prices are on the up, well, in this area anyway. I know that cos I have friends that are selling and have sold.
    My employers are investing more money into the business and my wages are consistent with the last few years regarding overtime. That includes employing an extra person too.
    So I dont take any notice of the people with their big words and expert knowledge cos they dont know anymore than me, with my 1 `o level
    By the way, I voted UKIP on both of my ballot papers.

  12. #72
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    coming from a labour strong hold, since i was 18 I've voted labour at every election,never missed one, but last week i didn't bother

    no way i will ever vote Tory, and cannot vote for labour as they are now ..

    time for a shake up, i would have voted UKIP, but their just as bad, but pulling out of Europe, now that would shake things up .. good or bad who knows

    did anyone get any BNP leaflet thru their door ?

    i did. made me laugh, 'people like you voting BNP' underneath it says 'use this as a window poster, for a free larger poster call.'. i think there would be a brick thru the window within the hour if i did..

    their not friends of Muslims and bogus asylum seekers

    but i can see why some people would vote for them becuase of


    but i could never vote for a racist bunch of people

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    coming from a labour strong hold, since i was 18 I've voted labour at every election,never missed one, but last week i didn't bother

    no way i will ever vote Tory, and cannot vote for labour as they are now ..

    time for a shake up, i would have voted UKIP, but their just as bad, but pulling out of Europe, now that would shake things up .. good or bad who knows

    did anyone get any BNP leaflet thru their door ?

    i did. made me laugh, 'people like you voting BNP' underneath it says 'use this as a window poster, for a free larger poster call.'. i think there would be a brick thru the window within the hour if i did..

    their not friends of Muslims and bogus asylum seekers

    but i can see why some people would vote for them becuase of


    but i could never vote for a racist bunch of people
    Just watched the news and Nick Griffin was attacked in his car outside manchester town hall!
    There was a few muslims there, as you`d expect. I fail to see how their violent protest after everybody has voted will stop people turning the the BNP.
    If they gain a seat then it shows how much some people have had enough of foreigners telling us how to run our country I guess.

  14. #74
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Only leaflet I got through my door was from the Tories.......2 decades ago they used to knock on your door, and if they can't be bothered doing that anymore, no wonder people can't be bothered voting.
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #75
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I dont think its foreigners telling us how to run our country Adam,they already do that since we joined the EU,its a small minority like the al-Muhajiroun cretins who boo'ed and jeer'ed the Royal Anglian's homecoming parade through Luton,then fled to the police for protection when some of the UK crowd took exception to this,I am a staunch believer in when in Rome,but having spent time in Places like Islamabad etc I know full well what you could expect if you attempted to burn the pakistan flag in places like 'Pindis Rajah bazaar We are just too soft,some people know how to play the system and shout for their rights even though you or I would forfeit ours as soon as we stepped foot in their country of origin

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  16. #76
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    Only in anything Filipino related could a thread get so OT!

    Sterling -Peso = 75.97 according to my latest update.

    Fix all exchange rates the only winners from floating rates are the bookies.

    Pontificate on how many Browns = a Cameron or a Clegg elsewhere.

    Apologies to any other parties not mentioned.

    Re the racists; As Russell Brand said "what is the point of being racist as it restricts your choice of women" !!

    Re the greenish element; good luck in RP.

    And no discussion of religion at all!!!!!!! I got the choice of the London Christian Party,

  17. #77
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Only leaflet I got through my door was from the Tories.......2 decades ago they used to knock on your door, and if they can't be bothered doing that anymore, no wonder people can't be bothered voting.
    thats what you get for living in the outback

    i got Tory, labour, green, bnp, liberals, ukip and a couple of others

    my misses got a call from the local labour party, she cannot even vote yet (not registered, as she became a brit citizen one day after registration closed )

    Brussels make upto 80% of new laws, time brits took back that power , stopped mass immigration to the uk, and a legal right to bring your wife to the uk

  18. #78
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    If I have the right to vote, I don't think I will go out and vote

    I usually vote before in Pinas and always hoping that someday, there will be no more corruption.

    When Joseph Estrada was in his seat as president, Gloria was eager to grab his seat. People allowed her to grab and rule Pinas because we believed that Gloria is more intelligent, well educated and known as daughter of ex-president b4. The situations now is getting worse and worst so I gave up voting.

    In UK, Cameron is like Gloria, he is very eager to take the PM seat. But I don't want to judge his platform. Everytime I watch parliament debate, I feel he is a bully shouting and seldom smile I'm not sure if he's really a bully. Gordon's spirit is very high, telling he can save Britain. I believed recession is GLOBAL, even Barack Obama can't do anything with dollar rate. So as Cameron if ever.

    Ehehehe I'm not into politics! Just giving some ideas and still confuse who will be the right leader in Pinas and Britain for a change!!!

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    I have to agree with Jim here, Dom. He WAS! Blair, being the cunning that he undoubtedly IS, cleverly chose his "moment of departure", being all too aware that the "cards" were heavily stacked against him in the aftermath of the Iraq War fiasco.
    For how much just the mention of Tony Blair makes my blood boil, I have to say that Gordon's scheeming was done very subtley at the start, and more emboldened by the others Mp's support he "Made" Blair leave.
    Yes, Tony, had more or less reached the end, I think his wife was very influential on him to depart, realizing what was in the cards for her hubby if he stayed on.

    All in all, we were all duped by this "New" Labour tag....

    Leopards and spots... Come to mind....

    Gordon bottled it last year for fear of the electorate, and will hang on for dear life until the last day, keeping on screwing the country...

    Holding an election sooner rather than later, would mean a fresh start, a clean slate that might instill some respect from the rest of the world, as opposed to the oldest democracy being the butt of international jokes....

    I normally detest the yanks, but they have something in place that takes care of crooks in power.... It is called "Impeachment"....
    And also they have no snidy way to install "non-elected" friends to positions of power like they do around here....

  20. #80
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I usually vote before in Pinas and always hoping that someday, there will be no more corruption.
    You will NEVER get any govenment that is not corrupt in one way or another.
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    I dont think its foreigners telling us how to run our country Adam,they already do that since we joined the EU,its a small minority like the al-Muhajiroun cretins who boo'ed and jeer'ed the Royal Anglian's homecoming parade through Luton,then fled to the police for protection when some of the UK crowd took exception to this,I am a staunch believer in when in Rome,but having spent time in Places like Islamabad etc I know full well what you could expect if you attempted to burn the pakistan flag in places like 'Pindis Rajah bazaar We are just too soft,some people know how to play the system and shout for their rights even though you or I would forfeit ours as soon as we stepped foot in their country of origin
    Exactly. With being told what we can and cant do by Brussels and the lack of respect from certain foreigners that are just here cos they want to sponge, everyone is getting to the end of a very long tether!
    I think things will come to a head in the near future. It seems from the euro elections that a few countries far right parties with seats now.
    Maybe we`re not the only country in Europe with an immigration problem...

  22. #82
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    Exactly. With being told what we can and cant do by Brussels and the lack of respect from certain foreigners that are just here cos they want to sponge, everyone is getting to the end of a very long tether!
    That's certainly being made abundantly clear by the collective response of those people who bothered to vote at all at last Thursday's Euro Elections.

  23. #83
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    I think things will come to a head in the near future.
    In what way, Adam?

  24. #84
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    In what way, Adam?
    Boris Johnston will be leader of the Labour party
    Keith - Administrator

  25. #85
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    Maybe we`re not the only country in Europe with an immigration problem...
    We're NOT! ... far from it! But this small island of ours is already bursting at the seams in terms of population. And our Government seems to be taking a tough stance with the wrong kind of immigrant. You and I both, are only too-well aware of the complex rigmarole WE'D to go through, simply in order to bring our respective lawfully-wedded wives to the UK ... never mind the crippling costs involved! Yet these rabble-rousing Muslims - like the ones mentioned in previous posts - seem to be able to just "walk-free" into this country and demand that mosques be built to cater for their extremist propaganda. I tell you, mate, something's far wrong somewhere!

  26. #86
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    why are the main parties horrified by the rise of the far-right ? because the main parties have ignored voters, ignored the problems of uncontrolled immigration and the ever expanding EU, done little to protect jobs for British workers, so why are they surprised when people vote for the BNP ? yes they should be horrified by the rise of the BNP, but they should remember why people voted for them and not for the main parties

    the rise of the far-right is not just in the uk

    Holland's anti-Islamic and Euro-sceptic Freedom Party, headed by Right-wing politician Geert Wilders, won 17 per cent of the vote to gain four seats at its first European election.

    the right wing anti-immigrant populists of the Danish People’s Party took the election campaign by the scruff of the neck and more than doubled its score to 14.8%, taking two seats. It has been in government as the largest partner in a populist minority administration since 2001, and is considered the driving force behind tightened legislation on Denmark’s foreigners.

    The Austrian right wing party got roughly 13% of the vote.

    and many more countries saw votes rise of the far-right, start of the end of the EU ?

    but in all this, at least a bit of common sense only from the swedes

  27. #87
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Looks like golden Brown might step down which is a shame, the ppl have no confidence in him

    Thanks to the short sighted, tunnel vision, would be labour voters.
    who read to many tabloids media joke papers ( sun)

    Alan Johnson might step up to rescue labour.

  28. #88
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The last election....the BNP won a few bits.....the main parties, horrified, running around like headless chicken trying to figure out why, and stating they take care out it happens again, we go through the same crap with them
    Keith - Administrator

  29. #89
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    before you know it, skin heads with Swaztia Nazi tattooed on their face
    will be kicking our doors down, vote for us or else.

  30. #90
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    Some people have been taken for ride by Labour, for all their life, and still can't see the wood for the trees....

    I was watching some "Grass roots" interviews a while ago, and cannot believe how gullible some people can be, worse than yanks...

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