How come many countries when they had good times put money aside and prepared for the bad times?
Please tell me what Browns plans for the future.
Cameron maybe no good as a PM i have no Idea. But I do no Gordon Brown was in charge fo the Finances for almost a decade and in that time made no provisions for the bad times. Wheres our soverign fund which many countries are using to invest their ways out.
How many British companies will be no longer British and even less loyalty to British workers?
Remeber all our taxes have not yet shot though the roof. A lot of people in Public sector gonna have the shoock of there lives when who ever is in charge has to start paying back the huge debts incurred
If your parents had run a household as that prat had and left the finances in such a mess your love for them might have been a little tested im sure.
If cameron is a potential muppet sorry Brown is a proven muppet.
Dont like the Blues, reds or Yellows have no time for any of the current parties.
Peace love and stilton cheese