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Depends on how long it took to wait to be repaired in A and E. Oh not that sort of hurt umm sometimes its not worth hating somebody or forgiving them just forget the issue and move on, removing them from your life.
At the end of the day you have to first look after your self, way to many people waste valuable time trying to cope with similar issues. Wasting vauable days,weeks and years in their lifes.
So I say Carry on, if fate says you should be back together somehow it will happen otherwise enjoy life.
Seen to many incompatiable people try to change either one, the other or both of themsleves. rarely seems to work.
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
But some find it harder than others!
Yes i can and i did![]()
I was able to forgive, i got over the pain but i did not forget the pain.
Just like having a scar, when you look at it, you forget what and how you got it as it doesn't hurt anymore but you remember how it hurt back when it was still fresh specially the very moment you just got cut and bleeding.
Forgiving is one thing, forgetting is another.
But it's not the person you don't forget, it's the pain you felt at the moment you were going through it.
"10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
"The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"
For some people Yes, with GREAT DIFFICULTY. However, they find it difficult because they adhere to the belief that they have not done anything wrong. Some people are too self-righteous and opinionated and would not listen to reasons and explanations and even ruling out the fact that they, too, have contributed to the reasons why other people have hurt them.
Some people detest being lied to without realizing that they, too, are big liars. Some people want to know everything about their partners but withholding information about themselves. Yet, they are the ones who are obstinately reluctant to forgive.
Forgiveness may not be easy to do straight away, but in the end it is good to forgive as then it becomes easy to move on.
None of us are perfect.
Gouging eyes out with a blunt wooden spoon count as yes or no....????![]()
Irobot..." Sunny Different From The Rest..."
ref :- Can you forgive someone who has deeply hurt you?
NO !!....
Sorry, But there are some boundaries that can not be crossed,it is a matter of personal principles ..... Phil...
...A wild bird should never be caged as it breaks it`s spirit...The cage door is always open...
For me yes.... I'm thankful to them they made me strong person. And forgiving is for me is one key to be more HAPPY.
The priest told me when i asked for an advice when I'm deeply hurt and very depressed. He said forgive him and stop thinking about what happened because its like a wound if you keep touching or scratching it will not heal and will always hurt you. And dont forget to pray to God and ask for help to forget someone because it's not really easy that's why we have TIME. Time to heal.![]()
Sound advice from a much respected figure, I have to admit! Even so, there are certain things that happened to me in my working life which I find hard to dismiss 20 and more years on. Nor can I forget the bullyingI was subjected to at school - from teachers and fellow pupils alike - upwards of half a century ago. The memory of such treatment, alas is never likely to fade.
However, we can agree to disagree here as, after all, debate is what this (or indeed any kind of forum) is all about. So I would like to extend a warm welcome to you.![]()
haha haha... Make up your mind Arthur lol...
If someone asked for forgiveness, I can easily be pleased. Rather than living in hatred. That's why I don't really understand people why they choose to live in hatred and hard for them to forgive and forget.
I believed, When we hate, we destroy our own happiness and love of life. Our pain is not lessened when we respond with hatred
Long time ago my friend hooked my BF and they didn't tell me. Someone told me about it and I was deeply hurt. I haven't heard any forgiveness from my friend. But after few years, I told her if you can't asked for forgiveness, YOU ARE FORGIVEN.![]()
No, there is really just no reason why people should hurt each other, I do my best to be mindful of not hurting others. I have been deeply hurt by people in the past and i can surely say that I still have not forgiven them.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
Forgive? Absolutely YES. But can't forget about it.
there should be another button that says: Depends... LOL.. but yes, I can forgive.. in time... Life is too short to have enemies.. and I don't want to have an unfinished business when I die.
No problem with forgiveness its certainly possible to do that but in the situation of relationships that may still mean that whilst forgiving the other and even understanding that one has reached the end of the road in terms of being together.
As Mr Robot says its a question of boundries and I agree with Somebody to re move on whilst not forgetting any good times either![]()
Absit invidia
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Base on the question "DEEPLY HURT"...as in deeply...NO,![]()
it all depends who and what they did to hurt you?
and how they react to you afterwards!
i couldnt live with hatred for ever i will be hurt at first but forgive them later but at my own time,i guess we are all human and not perfect so at some point we will make mistakes.
it really does depend on how they hurt you,i cant talk for anyone else but some times why someone has done something isnt always clear and if you can understand why they did it them that can lead to forgiveness?
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
A good question. In principle yes. Depending on what it is the person has done, I may never permit them to be in a position where they can do that again. True forgiveness has no memory so I guess I'm not perfect.
Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!
Very true...
I agree wth you here Penny...But but but...chocolate butt...lol...hmmm?
Yep! the golden rule...
hmmm... hehehe...
now it's even more confusing lol...
but hey, whatever? hmmm... maybe... ah well.... (mind isnt working atm lol)![]()
Might forgive them when they are pushing up daisys![]()
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