It depends on the situation![]()
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It depends on the situation![]()
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
Women are allowed to change their minds ... so why shouldn't MEN be?
Actually, you're probably correct, Zobel. Based on certain 'life experiences'[probably best forgotten] my initial reaction was to vote 'No'
but, I guess - having gone through the many and varied responses with a "fine toothcomb" - I'm now beginning to feel more inclined to lean towards 'It Depends'. But would you interpret such a "change of heart" as 'Maybe'? And CAN I still change my vote before close of poll without disrupting the figures already submitted?
Incidentally, I'd like to commend you on raising such a well-thought-out topicfor debate. You don't happen to be a behavioural psychologist by any chance, do you?
I will say maybe
It is really depends on what situation u are in, possibly forgive but will never forget it![]()
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.
To err is human to forgive divineBut revenge is a dish best served cold
Irobot..." Sunny Different From The Rest..."
I have to agree with Mrs.JMajor as BASIC QUESTION with no specific question asked on the survey.
This is a view poll made up of 4 choices Only :-
Can you forgive someone who have deeply hurt you?
1= Yes
2= No
3= Maybe
4= No Comment
And ... I still say NO ...
BUT..After the poll we put in some WHAT IF`S.... That will be a Can of Worms indeed some people here may just not want to open ...Phil...
...A wild bird should never be caged as it breaks it`s spirit...The cage door is always open...
hahaha... yep, of course you are allowed to change your mind, lol...
That's the thing! it's just so confusing. My heart is telling me to just forgive & forget but my ego is so saying: FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, YOU HAVE HURT BY THEM WHY BOTHER!!! GRRRR... (they might hurt me again...)
I don't know how to change the pollplus there aint a deadline for voting too...
Thank youand no I am not a psycholigist lol
I just randomly asked it... lol...
Irobot..." Sunny Different From The Rest..."
I Fail to see what is confusing here.... Still NOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!...
*Lets not make a big thing out of what I said and forget I even said put in some What if`s as I would not like to upset the mood of this forum as it seems to be all fluffy bunny rabbits and tommy tippy ...* and stick with the original topic.... the way i have perfect eyesight with no need for glasses as yet
...A wild bird should never be caged as it breaks it`s spirit...The cage door is always open...
Interesting to observe the way in which the number of 'Maybes' has steadily climbed higher and higher in the few days since this poll was introduced. I'd wager it won't be too long before it overtakes the others. After all, as humans, none of us is infallible, and it is therefore inevitable that the answers we provide will reflect our individual perception of the nature of the 'hurt'. Put in simple terms, it largely depends on "this, that or the other" [set of circumstances] at any given time. Does this make sense?
I have been hurt many times by the people I love. I have forgiven them many times as my love for them prevails.
I have also told myself I would never give them another chance to hurt me again. However, LOVE is just too strong that it outweighs the pain and I still find myself forgiving them, welcoming them back in to my life again despite the pain they have given me.
as long as one humbly admitted his fault/mistake & would promise not to do it again.
with a heart full of love, you will express your highest potential while also fulfilling your soul's deepest purpose:
I think that subcutaneous injections of salt and chilli water, eyelid removal, insertion of cocktail stick under the fingernails and raw teeth drilling a' la "Marathon Man" would just do the jobby.....![]()
Maybe it depends on the situation!![]()
to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...
it depends on how deeply they've hurt me.
i cant of hurt all of you!
but whatever i did im sorry?
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
Welcome them back with love certainly my sister 7x70However, I also subscribe to scriptural guidance on wisdom, welcome them back, no problem at all but to constantly also allow myself and others to be vulnerable to the consequences derived from the actions of others is not always wise.
Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!
It is much easier to forgive if you have experienced the wonderful forgiving power of Jesus. When you come face to face with the holiness/perfection of God you suddenly realise how wretched we ALL are in God's sight in comparison with HIS absolute glory. The fact that Jesus suffered God's wrath (in our place) for the terror of our sinful nature so that we can receive HIS forgiveness enables us to forgive others. Jesus said that if (after all this forgiveness) if we still do not forgive those who fail us (a much lower debt in comparison) we cease to benefit from God's forgiveness.
As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
Matthew 24 :
Check Out My Blogsite For Evidence Why The Bible Can Be Trusted
I have many times been deeply hurt by the way so called friends have treated me. I can absolutely testify that (with God's help) you can forgive. It is just a question of first knowing you MUST forgive, secondly, knowing it is possible, thirdly knowing that you must activate it as soon as possible for your own good. Apparently many illnesses can start from having an unforgiving attitude. Bitterness is a VERY bad thing and can cripple you.
The best thing to do is have a forgiving heart at all times and a generous spirit towards them. If they seek forgiveness receive them with open arms. If they do not change and you cannot trust them a different matter. You must still forgive but that doesn't mean they can still remain your friend or that you can trust them. They need to earn back your trust. But love them anyway, but be wary of them
As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
Matthew 24 :
Check Out My Blogsite For Evidence Why The Bible Can Be Trusted
arthur Thanks for sharing the same personal value as mine....
Which of us are perfect that never hurt anybody (hands on hearts here - be honest). The world would be a better place if we could all forgive those who are deeply apologetic. How can we stand in the place of God and think we have the right standing to judge one another. In God's eyes none of us would stand if it wasn't for Christ being penalised by the Father, taking our place. If those who have wronged us are unrepentant then you just need to let them go, but let go of your hurt. Please see my previous comments regarding how we can forgive
As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
Matthew 24 :
Check Out My Blogsite For Evidence Why The Bible Can Be Trusted
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