Hi All. Firstly I would like to thank everyone that helped me on my previous thread "Medical"

My wife is in the Philippines and has her spouse visa and cfo and is coming here in June. And from what i understand, she may need an x-ray taken at Heathrow. So now hopefully there shouldnt be any more probs, but I have few Questions.

1. Does anyone know, roughly what sort of delay I can expect from the time the flight arrives, to the time she comes through into the arrivals hall?

2. Once we are home, do we have to inform or report to anyone, about her arrival?

3. what are her limitations, legally, when she is here?

4. Is there anything else we have to do or complete, or is the next stage the ILR, 24 months down the road?

5. We married in the Philippines, does this have to be reported or notified anywhere?

6. is she and her 2 kids entitled to register with our local GP?

7. She has family in Finland. Does anyone know the implications, visa wise, with us going there as a visit? e.g. does her spouse visa allow further travel?

sorry for the information overload but i just have this fear of someone from immigration knocking at my door in a few weeks time, threatening to deport my wife, cos I forgot to do something.

Many Thanks in advance.