Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
If you've got money to burn, it's very expensive.

Fitzy's girl says it used by prostitutes but when we stayed there I didn't see anything like that going on. Mind you it was at the end of August at fiesta time so there were lots of visitors in town and the hotel was fully booked up with quite a few families staying there, so maybe they do allow prostitutes to take their clients there when things are not so busy.

There are prostitutes to be seen up at that end of the city square when the night cafe is on and there were a couple of girls who were booked in with their westerner bf's, but not just for one-nighters as you would expect if they were prostitutes. Maybe you can ask your bro and find out about this for sure Bing.
Yes Iain, am sure is the same in all places, inc London lol!
The VIP hotel looks great actually
Roni will be going there tomorrow to check it out, but for a tenner or so a night it looks pretty resonable.

Many thanks for all your helps guys.
