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Thread: Schengen Visa

  1. #1
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    Schengen Visa

    Hello to every one....

    I would like to invite my mother and my sister to come here in england,and I am a bristish citizen now and we would like to go to Paris and Belgium this summer i know that UK is not part of the schengen visa but its part of the EU country do you think is it possible if i can sponsore them to get a visa to get a schengen visa even if im from england.

    any comments and suggestion will help.....


  2. #2
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by istranghero3000 View Post
    Hello to every one....

    I would like to invite my mother and my sister to come here in england,and I am a bristish citizen now and we would like to go to Paris and Belgium this summer i know that UK is not part of the schengen visa but its part of the EU country do you think is it possible if i can sponsore them to get a visa to get a schengen visa even if im from england.

    any comments and suggestion will help.....

    if you apply them a tourist visa for uk that means they only stay in uk and they're not allow to go to outside uk.
    all things are possible!

  3. #3
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    thanks for the reply....

    Yeah i know that but after i get them a family visit visa and applied for the schengen again in PI? is that applicable?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by istranghero3000 View Post
    thanks for the reply....

    Yeah i know that but after i get them a family visit visa and applied for the schengen again in PI? is that applicable?
    They can apply for a schengen visa in the Philippines.

    If it is granted they could then travel to France/Belgium from the UK. The fact you are a British Citizen doesn't really them help get a Schengen visa, though if they have already been granted a UK visit visa that may help them. One problem you may have is that when applying for Schengen visas they often want to see actual bookings (hotel/travel).

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by istranghero3000 View Post
    Hello to every one....

    I would like to invite my mother and my sister to come here in england,and I am a bristish citizen now and we would like to go to Paris and Belgium this summer i know that UK is not part of the schengen visa but its part of the EU country do you think is it possible if i can sponsore them to get a visa to get a schengen visa even if im from england.

    any comments and suggestion will help.....

    Hello, and welcome to the forum. I married my Filipina wife in her own land last December; she was, in turn, granted her Settlement Visa and has been here in UK since March. She would dearly love to visit Paris for a belated honeymoon, but we both understand she'll need this confounded Schengen Visa in order to do so. As neither of US are entirely sure ourselves yet about how exactly to go about getting it (nor, indeed, the cost involved ... and there's usually always a PRICE to be paid for these things!!) I regret not being in a position to offer you any advice regarding your proposed sponsorship of your parents. That said, I'm quite sure there are others on the site who'll be in a position to assist ... and perhaps be able to keep ME right too!!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Hello, and welcome to the forum. I married my Filipina wife in her own land last December; she was, in turn, granted her Settlement Visa and has been here in UK since March. She would dearly love to visit Paris for a belated honeymoon, but we both understand she'll need this confounded Schengen Visa in order to do so. As neither of US are entirely sure ourselves yet about how exactly to go about getting it (nor, indeed, the cost involved ... and there's usually always a PRICE to be paid for these things!!) I regret not being in a position to offer you any advice regarding your proposed sponsorship of your parents. That said, I'm quite sure there are others on the site who'll be in a position to assist ... and perhaps be able to keep ME right too!!
    Arthur, obtaining a schengen visa as the spouse of a British citizen is very easy and for once is actually free. They can't ask for any real details about your trip and I don't think they can refuse to grant a visa without a very very good reason. You probably though would need to visit Edinburgh where many EU countries have a consulate (including France) to apply - you could check to see if any of them accept postal applications. Also they tend to grant 6 month multiple entry visas so you can take more than one holiday if you desire. Prior to my wife getting British citizenship she obtained a schengen twice - once though the French embassy and once through an Italian consulate.

    Obtaining a schengen when you are not a spouse of a British citizen is more difficult. It's not free (60 euros I think), they tend to require confirmed travel plans and will often only grant a single entry visa just for the planned trip, and they can and will refuse you.

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Arthur, obtaining a schengen visa as the spouse of a British citizen is very easy and for once is actually free. They can't ask for any real details about your trip and I don't think they can refuse to grant a visa without a very very good reason. You probably though would need to visit Edinburgh where many EU countries have a consulate (including France) to apply - you could check to see if any of them accept postal applications. Also they tend to grant 6 month multiple entry visas so you can take more than one holiday if you desire. Prior to my wife getting British citizenship she obtained a schengen twice - once though the French embassy and once through an Italian consulate.

    Obtaining a schengen when you are not a spouse of a British citizen is more difficult. It's not free (60 euros I think), they tend to require confirmed travel plans and will often only grant a single entry visa just for the planned trip, and they can and will refuse you.

    That's extremely reassuring, Darren! Many thanks for your valuable input. I imagine if we were simply to present Myrna's passport, birth and marriage certificates to the consulate in Edinburgh, then those would suffice. Thing is, it would make sense to defer any firm booking(s) until such times as the visa has been granted.

  8. #8
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    Schengen countries are generally more understanding. For my wife to visit UK, or even go shopping in Gibraltar, would entail a longer and more expensive procedure than she needed to come to Spain permanently.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    That's extremely reassuring, Darren! Many thanks for your valuable input. I imagine if we were simply to present Myrna's passport, birth and marriage certificates to the consulate in Edinburgh, then those would suffice. Thing is, it would make sense to defer any firm booking(s) until such times as the visa has been granted.
    That's pretty much it apart from you would need your passport as well. They seem to like to see travel insurance though I don't think they can insist on it.

    Here's a link to visa page for the French consulate in Edinburgh.

    Don't though be surprised if the consulate staff are not that friendly to you - it obviously costs them money to issue the visas.

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    That's pretty much it apart from you would need your passport as well. They seem to like to see travel insurance though I don't think they can insist on it.

    Don't though be surprised if the consulate staff are not that friendly to you - it obviously costs them money to issue the visas.
    I shall certainly bear all that in mind. Much obliged, Darren.

  11. #11
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    For my wife to visit UK, or even go shopping in Gibraltar, would entail a longer and more expensive procedure than she needed to come to Spain permanently.
    Really, John? I shudder to think of the consequences that could-well arise if Scotland were ever to gain full independence from the 'UnKIND Kingdom' [as I like to call it]. Try to picture President Alex Salmond's army of "Jocks" resplendent in their National garb, and weilding huge claymores in a vain attempt to deflect the "Sassenach marauders":Vader: from south of Berwick-upon-Tweed, who've failed to hand over the 10,000 *EUROS-(*by that time)-needed for a 'cross-border visa' ...

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Here's a link to visa page for the French consulate in Edinburgh.
    Ta, also, for the link ... very useful!

  13. #13
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    Thanks all for the reply.... arthur and darren...johncar very much appreciated
    one thing more... i dont know if its possible or not?

    Well it is possible them to get a visa here in england while they are here
    or do i need it to apply them where they origin?

    thanks once again....


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by istranghero3000 View Post
    Thanks all for the reply.... arthur and darren...johncar very much appreciated
    one thing more... i dont know if its possible or not?

    Well it is possible them to get a visa here in england while they are here
    or do i need it to apply them where they origin?

    thanks once again....

    It is possible for them to apply, and it is usually best for the applicant to apply from the country where there are resident.

    Your problem is I don't think you can really sponsor them so they will need to apply in their own right and it depends on their situation whether they are likely to be successful or not.

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