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  1. #1
    Respected Member filipina_owl's Avatar
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    Im seeking advice

    Good day everyone. I am a filipina from cebu. I just want to seek advice regarding my situation. I am getting married next month to my handsome welsh future husband. My fiance and I are planning to go to manila to process our spousal visa right after the wedding. He will go back to UK 1 week after the wedding and we are hoping and praying that i could go with him when he goes back to UK thats why we are trying to process our spousal visa immediately. Is it possible to get the visa in matter of days? I just want to seek advice if we are doing the right thing? We just want to travel together when he goes back home to Uk... I need advice... thank you and God bless us all.

  2. #2
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    Unfortunately settlement visas are not granted that quickly. Have a search on this forum and you'll see some of the times that people had to wait.

    For example back in March Shayla had her visa granted after 16 weeks.

    Usually settlement visas are granted quicker than that, but they still normally take a couple of months or so.

  3. #3
    Respected Member thejarvs's Avatar
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    Pasensya but darren-b is correct, Cristina and I waited for just under 3 months.

    Good luck for the coming wedding but I wouldn't be in a hurry to get to wales joke... wales is lovely
    Mark, Cristina & Raffy

  4. #4
    Respected Member estherboaz's Avatar
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    They are right. spouse visa takes 3 months to process.Aside from that one of the requirements is marriage contract.You need to submit the NSO copy.In reality after submission of the certificate in the local civil registrar, you cannot obtain a copy immediately from usually takes weeks.

    For the other requirements you could check this out:

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by estherboaz View Post
    They are right. spouse visa takes 3 months to process.Aside from that one of the requirements is marriage contract.You need to submit the NSO copy.In reality after submission of the certificate in the local civil registrar, you cannot obtain a copy immediately from usually takes weeks.

    For the other requirements you could check this out:
    As Esther says, it can take quite a while just to get the NSO copy of the marriage contract. Then when you've got that you'll have to pay the visa fee at one of the designated banks and then book an appointment online before you go to Manila to submit your visa application. After that the clock starts ticking and it can tick for up to 3 months

    I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry, take your time and get it right first time. It's more important that your application pack contains everything that is required is in there and is well laid out with photocopys of all of the important documents and everything else that you hope to have returned to you.

    That way you have a much better chance of having a successful outcome without having to go to Manila for an interview or having the process delayed by the Embassy requesting additional information from you.


  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    In an 'ideal world' everything would be "cut and dried" as soon as you're married. Alas, as others have already pointed out, it's not that straightforward. As regards obtaining the NSO-approved certificate - which is obviously the first essential step - a great deal seems to depend on how quickly your local Municipal Civil Registrar submits the necessary transcripts to Manila for processing. Having said that, it's well worthwhile preparing all the other documents required by the British Embassy [in advance of your application] to make absolutely certain everything else is in order.

    Good luck and very best wishes to you both.

  7. #7
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    All of them are right filipina owl. What I would suggest to you while waiting for the paper works is to prepare yourself. Learn about your husbands culture, language,etc. You also must start as early as now eating what your husband is eating as well. You try eating cereal for breakfast. Other foods like fish and chips, sausages, sandwiches, drink lots of tea with milk, eat less rice, etc. Believe me this will really help you a lot when you join your husband in his native land. This will help you adjust a little more faster. Read this forum as there are lots of information here that are useful for you. Best of luck to you filipina owl.... pinoyni

  8. #8
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    hello to all people here in uk forumn i would just ask some question here if thiers any form form for me to fill up for me allow to work in thic country.Coz my visa right now is fiancee visa and the immigration told me that i will just allow to work in this country after i get married.So i'll be marrying this coming June 18th.I hope anybody here can help to give more information.thank you and more power to all Filipina here......thank you

  9. #9
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    .... simply put ....


    if you are still on a fiancee visa (ie not yet married).

    You are also NOT allowed to do any voluntary / charity work.

    Not working means exactly what it says.

    ... and this will NOT change (or cannot be) until you get married.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by waljenforever32 View Post
    hello to all people here in uk forumn i would just ask some question here if thiers any form form for me to fill up for me allow to work in thic country.Coz my visa right now is fiancee visa and the immigration told me that i will just allow to work in this country after i get married.So i'll be marrying this coming June 18th.I hope anybody here can help to give more information.thank you and more power to all Filipina here......thank you
    Get married first, then apply FLR cost 465 by post or 665£ if you apply in person,and wait for your ID, get NI# and that only you are allowed to work, there is no way you can work if you are still in fiancee visa even you get married, you need to apply Further Leave to Remain (FLR)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    Get married first, then apply FLR cost 465 by post or 665£ if you apply in person,and wait for your ID, get NI# and that only you are allowed to work, there is no way you can work if you are still in fiancee visa even you get married, you need to apply Further Leave to Remain (FLR)
    Here is information with regards to FLR and the application form.

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