Another load of worthless hyped crap if you ask me.
The majority of folk who Twitter stop within the first month when they realise it is useless unless your just a sad person!
Another load of worthless hyped crap if you ask me.
The majority of folk who Twitter stop within the first month when they realise it is useless unless your just a sad person!
Keith - Administrator
Can see why most do. But personally i know off two good uses. As basically a news feed which people can reply to in various methods. A timeline can be kept and makes it easy to follow how basically a conversation between sometimes hundreds of people.
We use it along with many other methods for our technical support at work and know many of our rivals use it. Send out messages to Technical staff who can from their phones/pda/laptops (as they work for different companies and have different equipment) expand on the information, feedback what they found out. Due to the small amount of charcters and short urls we have found its very useful as comments are kept to the point, as all technical writing should be. But yes just a cross between email,rss and sms.
The other use im surprised no one on here has mentioned is cheap texts to and from phill.
After a bit of googleing i found that sending texts to certain gateways (a number basically which you sign up to) you can use the twitter network to send a text to a person or persons.
The wife, family and friends have found it really useful. The wife pays nothing for her twitter messages and those in phill recieve as a sms and can reply. The codes they have to use baffle me but they all seem to have picked up young and old as it saves them a fortune
The other great point is the timeline is recorded even with payg verry useful for those applying foor spouse visas etc. Or just useful to have a record of chats with love ones
I can remeber my parents and grand parents thinking mobile phones and computer a waste of time and who needs. Sms was by the phone companies not thought useful why text when you can talk. But phone engineers and then customers found a use for it. Somehow i think most on here now have one of each
Isn't it always the way a technolgy develops and people put to use, quite often for different uses to what the inventers created if for.
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
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