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Thread: bringing parents into uk

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    I have a friend who is a filpino nurse who lives in the Uk and she is wondering how she could bring her parents into the uk first to visit and one day to settle in the uk and what are the regulations involving this?

    Thanks in advance,


  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by bakerboy26@May 15 2005, 09:04 AM
    I have a friend who is a filpino nurse who lives in the Uk and she is wondering how she could bring her parents into the uk first to visit and one day to settle in the uk and what are the regulations involving this?

    Thanks in advance,


    Hello, I would say thats a non starter, her parents may not even get a tourist visa, as they would be considered a "Flight risk", i.e. they have no compelling reasons to return to the Philippines.

    If they attempt to apply for a tourist visa on basis of Relative visitation, they would have to show compelling reasons that they have business or something to hold them in the Philippines and guarantee their return.

    The rules regarding Sponsors in the UK i.e. the Filipino Nurse, say that "The Sponsor cannot give a verbal or written guarantee"

    It is a matter for Entry Clearance officers to make the determination whether the applicant has a compelling reason to return.

    As for "Getting her parents into the UK"

    If she is thinking of them becoming permament residents, I would tell her to forget even trying, unless they are applying under the skilled migrant programme..their application will almost certainly fail.

    Sorry its not good news...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Knowing a good number of Filipino nurses in the N Wales area, their should be a Filipino Welfare Officer (or similar) in contact with the hospital she works for that can help her. If not, I know that a number of them do have their parents here.

    They do have to have their own house (even if it's a mortage), be financially secure, which they usually are, but most importantly, if they want them to live with them, that is what they MUST make clear with the immigration from the start. Don't try and fiddle it, no tourist visa.

    You can call the immigration deptartment and ask them yourself for the most up-to-date info, but I'd say as long as the nurse is likely to be here for a few years (a lifetime knowing the NHS & goverment policy), the odds are better than 50/50.

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