Well on Saturday the 27th Feb, me & the wife went to Llandudno town hall for the citizenship ceremony. Bit rushed, as they only phoned us earlier in the week to confirm it.
We got their 1:25p, bloody traffic jams, and I spent £200 on GPS and forgotten to switch the traffic warning on :unsure: . Anyway, it started at 1:35pm, with another 9 people their to collect certificates, 2 filipinos. Strange, they were hotel workers, and not nurses!!
The ceremony consists of a brief welcome by the registrar (who happened to be the same on that married us 4 years ago, and she remembered!, and a brief welcome by the local councillor.
The registrar then reads out a promise to the Queen, country, etc, which they all have to repeat together. They play God Save The Queen (which you stand for, although I don't see why when I pay towards her wages!!, and they slipped in the Welsh anthem at the end :o
They then go up in turn to collect their certificate......job done. Go home, or stay for a cup of tea. All 10 minutes at most. Complete waste of time if you ask me, but your not, so I'll shut up!!
In the pack you get the certificate, and all the application forms for a passport which is what you really want isn't it?You can then enjoy waving your UK passport in the face of the customs officer in the Philippines :P :lol: