Sorry to ask help on such a morbid issue -

I'm back in The UK since early May & Ana is in Cavite. Even after going togeher for 3 years clear English language communication between us isn't always as good as I'd like - hence the morbid help request.

Background is ....Ana & her sister came up from Davao late April to look after her father - a bit of a renegade - who was ill. He died yesterday.

Ana & I were together late April early May & it was clearly understood her father had burnt all his bridges. Days were numbered even though he was very young by UK standards.

Can I ask a bit of advice on this sensitive issue from the assembled.

How long is normal for a funeral in RP.

Is the hospital likely to try & negotiate the release _ (apologies if that is black humor, but it is my personality meeting Filipino culture!)

& Ultimately how long is realistic to get the whole process (again apologies for linsensitive vocabulary) verified?

I want the girl home in Davao or in Singapore with me in the earliest respectable timeframe.

Any advice gratefully recieved. I'm going to try & get out to Asia to be with her the week after next.