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Thread: Improving fertility?????

  1. #1
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Question Improving fertility?????

    Hi all.

    A bit of an embarrasing one, but here goes

    Roni, and I have tried so hard for a baby while I visited her 3 times, but nothing!!
    I am a recovering cigarette addict, and I know that this can have some bearing on my fertility!
    Chinese medicine I have heard is a good option to persue.
    I am going back to see her in August, and wondered what my best options are.
    This is a message to all you doctors on the forum

    I hope that somebody could help us please.
    My doctor will do nothing unless he sees us both together


    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  2. #2
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    I am not doctor hehe but sharing my opinion, stop smoking, drink red wine at least once/twice a week, exercise, eat healhty foods like bulalo, ask Roni what is bulalo..hmmm

    I had friend, he is addict(smoke) drink loads of hard liquors,been living with her live in partner for 10 years, so he thought he is "baog"(cant make baby) but he slept with woman another woman for 2 months, the other woman never used contraceptive because she thought the man is "baog"(sterile) hence the relatioship is not legal to both because the man is with the long term relationship,I dont know if the red wine helps, cause they always drunk with red wine and the "pulutan" is bulalo, the pity woman get pregnant so quick

  3. #3
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    I am not doctor hehe but sharing my opinion, stop smoking, drink red wine at least once/twice a week, exercise, eat healhty foods like bulalo, ask Roni what is bulalo..hmmm

    I had friend, he is addict(smoke) drink loads of hard liquors,been living with her live in partner for 10 years, so he thought he is "baog"(cant make baby) but he slept with woman another woman for 2 months, the other woman never used contraceptive because she thought the man is "baog" hence the relatioship is not legal to both because the man is with the long term relationship,I dont know if the red wine helps, cause they always drunk with red wine and the "pulutan" is bulalo, the pity woman get pregnant so quick

    Thank you dear.
    I have developed a taste for a little red wine, have really really cut down on smoking and take nicotine suppliment, am starting to eat more fruits and fresh vegetables, but to honestly say, my diet is pretty healthy.
    I go to the gym 5 times a week, and basically keep pretty healthy.
    Roni is my best friend, and more, and I will marry her soon enough.
    She is my life, and I hers, and we would love a baby pretty soo.
    Secretly, I wd love another little Roni, with her mums cute little nose.
    Roni says that she is jealous, and loves my white skin, but she is so very beautiful.
    I don't quite know what you filipinas like about us whities hehehehehehe

    I was looking here, and will go to my local chinese herbalist to see what can be done, as I believe in this medicine.

    Thank you so much for your help.

    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Smoking reduces your risk of fertility big time,but dont go down the chinese medicine rhino-horn and tiger-penis rubbish

  5. #5
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Smoking reduces your risk of fertility big time,but dont go down the chinese medicine rhino-horn and tiger-penis rubbish

    You are right there maybe?
    That golden root complex is great fun though
    Makes 46 like 16 lol
    Yes you are right about smoking, and I never take them to work, but suck on Nicorette lozengers.
    They work a treat, and have cut down drastically on the drink, coz after all the years, am getting fed up with it.
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Whats gold root?A bit like ginseng? Its all a placebo mate,only way to have a child is be together,your current contraception is the 8000 miles seperating you

  7. #7
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    eating bulat and bagoon will help!
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  8. #8
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    I don't know but my wife and I are also trying to have a baby.
    She says that lots of seafood and coconut milk helps.

    We will go down the seafood route but not so easy to get lots of coconuts in the Midlands, the ones in the supermarkets are quite small.

    We'll see.

    Being together all the time must be the best solution....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    eating bulat and bagoon will help!
    did u mistype borna ? bulat or are you saying bulalo as well

  10. #10
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Whats gold root?A bit like ginseng? Its all a placebo mate,only way to have a child is be together,your current contraception is the 8000 miles seperating you
    Bit like ginseng, and oh boy does it work!!! Lol
    I shouldn't really.
    Poor Roni
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    did u mistype borna ? bulat or are you saying bulalo as well
    Maybe he meant Balut and Bagoong?
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    Maybe he meant Balut and Bagoong?
    oh yeah, I didnt think of that ,no, it wasn't true eating balot make u fertile loads of cholesterol,

  13. #13
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Whats gold root?A bit like ginseng? Its all a placebo mate,only way to have a child is be together,your current contraception is the 8000 miles seperating you

    Here u go mate
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

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    As some of you are saying, time together is the most likley way, but wow, we have been trying, lol
    I am going back In August to Palawan for her birthday, and we are gonna have a wonderful time, as it's reputed to be in the top 5 must visit places around the globe.

    Thanks for your comments peeps....
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    Hi all.

    A bit of an embarrasing one, but here goes

    Roni, and I have tried so hard for a baby while I visited her 3 times, but nothing!!
    I am a recovering cigarette addict, and I know that this can have some bearing on my fertility!
    Chinese medicine I have heard is a good option to persue.
    I am going back to see her in August, and wondered what my best options are.
    This is a message to all you doctors on the forum

    I hope that somebody could help us please.
    My doctor will do nothing unless he sees us both together


    I just heard this:

    Eat shark's fin
    pawikan's orgy

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I just heard this:

    Eat shark's fin
    pawikan's orgy

    No, No, No..........
    If you see how they chop the fins off the sharks and throw the poor animals back into the sea, you would cry.
    We must never recommend shark's fin to anyone.

  17. #17
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    Choose your timing:

    The most fertile period (the time with the highest likelihood of pregnancy resulting from sexual intercourse) covers the time from some 5 days before until 1–2 days after ovulation.[21] In an average 28 day cycle with a 14-day luteal phase, this corresponds to the second and the beginning of the third week. However, few cycles are exactly average


    You can buy test kits which identify when the woman is most fertile.

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    again i am no expert i have had my chopped now so we just keep practicing for fun just keep practising its for a good cause

  19. #19
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Pawikans orgy Have you seen the size of a pawikans orgy? I think they must be on par with a pinoys(who statistically have the worlds smallest orgys).

  20. #20
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Apo,its normally the middle-eastern and african boats that slice off the fins then dump the still living sharks back overboard to sink to the bottom,I have seen sharks caught in Pinas and they eat the lot,these were drying in Zambo on the pavement,I remember a shark-fin restaurant in Hong Kong that had a huge sharks fin as an advert,maybe 3 1/2 feet tall?Heres a pawikan penny
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    Hi all.

    A bit of an embarrasing one, but here goes

    Roni, and I have tried so hard for a baby while I visited her 3 times, but nothing!!
    I am a recovering cigarette addict, and I know that this can have some bearing on my fertility!
    Chinese medicine I have heard is a good option to persue.
    I am going back to see her in August, and wondered what my best options are.
    This is a message to all you doctors on the forum

    I hope that somebody could help us please.
    My doctor will do nothing unless he sees us both together


    I personally don't think that smoking affects fertility...

    I have been smoking since I was 14 years old, and at present count I have six kids that I know of......

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    and at present count I have six kids that I know of......
    yes but it effects your memory

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes but it effects your memory

    Nothing to do with memory, mate, I used to work on cruise ships for years......

    And as it goes the ship never stays too long in one port.....

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Apo,its normally the middle-eastern and african boats that slice off the fins then dump the still living sharks back overboard to sink to the bottom,I have seen sharks caught in Pinas and they eat the lot,these were drying in Zambo on the pavement,I remember a shark-fin restaurant in Hong Kong that had a huge sharks fin as an advert,maybe 3 1/2 feet tall?Heres a pawikan penny
    You are right Tawi2.
    I used to work on ships and saw an enormous ship off the coast of Saudi Arabia taking the fins and dumping the sharks.
    The problem is that the Chinese in particular think that shark's fin is a delicacy and have other medicinal qualities too.
    Maybe some people in the Phils eat a shark in the "correct" way i.e. eating all of the shark, but it is so important to spread the word that shark's fin is a "no no".
    Like racism, we should have zero tolerance to disgusting things.
    If there is any way to save even one beautiful shark from a horrible death, then it must be done.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Nothing to do with memory, mate, I used to work on cruise ships for years......

    And as it goes the ship never stays too long in one port.....
    Any port in a storm, then we get married and our ship ties up alongside for good.

  27. #27
    Respected Member Fitzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave View Post
    hi fitzy

    again i am no expert i have had my chopped now so we just keep practicing for fun Just keep practising its for a good cause :rasp::rasp::d:cuckoo:
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fitzy View Post
    Hi all.

    A bit of an embarrasing one, but here goes

    Roni, and I have tried so hard for a baby while I visited her 3 times, but nothing!!
    I am a recovering cigarette addict, and I know that this can have some bearing on my fertility!
    Chinese medicine I have heard is a good option to persue.
    I am going back to see her in August, and wondered what my best options are.
    This is a message to all you doctors on the forum

    I hope that somebody could help us please.
    My doctor will do nothing unless he sees us both together



    I am no doctor mate but lots of factors can be the reason about it.

    some of the pointers for ur girl:

    - does she have regular/irregular periods?
    - does she ovulates monthly?
    - does she come from a family with a background of PCOS/Myoma or have been to OBGYNE lately for checks?

    some pointers for u mate:

    - are u also into drinking?
    - have u been to ur GP for checks
    - diabetes/high blood pressure or any other medical conditions?

    Ive got an idea, what about if u go there this august u both go for checks with doctors there..

    just my two cents.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alec&Davina View Post
    I am no doctor mate but lots of factors can be the reason about it.

    some of the pointers for ur girl:

    - does she have regular/irregular periods?
    - does she ovulates monthly?
    - does she come from a family with a background of PCOS/Myoma or have been to OBGYNE lately for checks?

    some pointers for u mate:

    - are u also into drinking?
    - have u been to ur GP for checks
    - diabetes/high blood pressure or any other medical conditions?

    Ive got an idea, what about if u go there this august u both go for checks with doctors there..

    just my two cents.
    Very good, thank you.
    Well i virtually stopped smoking, now! Almost there.
    I used to recently drink more than I should, and now only do it once a week at the most!
    My only medical conditions I have are Asthma, and a slightly higher than normal cholestrol.
    My diet is very very good, and I go to the Gym at least 3 times a week to maintain a resonable weight, and cardiovascular health!

    I lost my Mum to Cigarette cancer in April when I was in Manila, and now I have a completely different outlook on life, and cherish it more, have grown up more over night, and want to make something of my life.

    I have good health, a great, very well paid long term job, and somebody who at last loves me. Why I dont know Lol

    Thank you so much for the advice, my friend, we will see a Doctor there for sure

    Thanks again.

    Philp, and Roni
    Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.

  30. #30
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    from my doc misses,

    timing could be the problem, you visited her 3 times, how long was each visit?

    stress/excitement caused your visits and the pressure of trying for a baby could have delayed her ovulation and how regular her periods are..

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