Quote Originally Posted by jam07 View Post
british attitudes ... I would like to know more about them. What are your view on virginity, sex and marriage, humor, what do you usually look for in a girl, positive and negative attitudes etc.

Surprise me

Welcome. First let me say that I try to be open-minded as regards the qualities you mention.

Personally, I did not engage in full sexual activity until after I was first married at the age of 23. But I recognise the fact that attitudes have changed a great deal in this regard over the ensuing four decades. And, at the risk of offending the 'moral code' as decreed by the Catholic Church, it has to be admitted that my own beliefs have adjusted to 'move with the times'. What I am implying here, is that I can see no earthly reason why two mature, consenting hetrosexuals should not participate in "pre-marital relations" [for want of a more explicit description] PROVIDING neither is correspondingly - and promiscuously - involved with any 'third part(y)ies'.

At the same time, though, it is most important ... indeed essential ... that the relationship be based on mutual love and understanding - born of trust and respect - with at least a sprinkling of humour [on both sides] thrown-in for good measure.