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Thread: How could I have been so stupid

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Northerner How could I have been so... 31st May 2009, 20:19
Tawi2 Familiar story repeated ad... 31st May 2009, 20:23
Tawi2 Dont dwell on it nor take it... 31st May 2009, 20:33
aromulus You have no moral obligation... 31st May 2009, 20:39
Sophie I'm sorry for what happened... 31st May 2009, 20:35
Mrs.JMajor Just dont scared to get... 31st May 2009, 21:24
joebloggs as morrisey said "see, the... 31st May 2009, 21:44
Northerner Called her yesterday, she... 31st May 2009, 21:50
joebloggs :doh :NoNo: what can you... 31st May 2009, 21:55
Northerner Well, in the same week a good... 31st May 2009, 22:02
Northerner Thanks everyone. I have... 31st May 2009, 21:49
Sophie Good for you... 31st May 2009, 22:04
bornatbirth sorry to hear this and im... 31st May 2009, 22:23
Sim11UK Sorry this has happened, it's... 31st May 2009, 22:33
MarBell379 Everyone whiniing about... 1st June 2009, 00:35
simonline Hi Northerner... I feel sorry... 1st June 2009, 04:47
eagles hi northerner, Hope you wont... 1st June 2009, 07:48
KeithD You think that's 1st June 2009, 07:59
aposhark Same as my 1st June 2009, 08:50
aposhark Hi Northerner, Put this... 1st June 2009, 08:57
Queenbee :D:omg:I AGREE..Dude like i... 5th October 2009, 11:56
pennybarry We really learned from our... 1st June 2009, 08:22
Tawi2 We do indeed,its a shallow... 1st June 2009, 08:52
ginapeterb Where have I heard a story... 1st June 2009, 09:08
Florge true true... i can introduce... 1st June 2009, 09:26
Tawi2 I wonder if you have any... 1st June 2009, 09:40
Florge yes.. have a female friend... 1st June 2009, 11:45
Tawi2 You starting up a dating... 1st June 2009, 12:12
filipina_owl who is the woman in the... 23rd September 2009, 08:40
KeithD Yeah.....we all agree with... 23rd September 2009, 11:10
adam&chryss if you don't know them then... 23rd September 2009, 11:52
pumpkins hi.. i read your posts and i... 23rd September 2009, 12:02
ca143 ahmmmmmmmm i guess u are... 23rd September 2009, 12:08
IainBusby I was wondering how long it... 23rd September 2009, 12:18
lizaphil she is banned 23rd September 2009, 20:01
Ayjay It sounds like you are... 27th September 2009, 22:58
steadyfornow im sorry to hear that.and... 28th September 2009, 18:55
Northerner My ex, is old news and the... 28th September 2009, 19:36
mommyhere Hi T2, 1 I am female,... 4th July 2009, 09:40
IainBusby As you've already stopped the... 1st June 2009, 11:04
Tawi2 Its a business for a lot of... 1st June 2009, 11:11
Northerner Trust me Iain,the baby is not... 1st June 2009, 20:15
KeithD Tell her you've put in the... 1st June 2009, 11:28
pacificelectric Ah ah, me too I have sent... 1st June 2009, 11:39
jaishann thats true . 23rd September 2009, 19:39
Florge white bolbol???... 1st June 2009, 13:53
Florge white bolbol???... 1st June 2009, 13:54
Tawi2 I think your friend would... 1st June 2009, 18:14
aposhark Be careful, things happen... 5th July 2009, 18:09
tiN Sorry to hear that.. You... 1st June 2009, 18:54
Northerner Thanks everyone... And... 1st June 2009, 20:17
Sim11UK Hi Northener Stick... 1st June 2009, 20:44
Dee31 I think Northerner has... 1st June 2009, 21:05
Florge oh well, to Tawi and the... 2nd June 2009, 07:49
aromulus I didn't want to say anything... 2nd June 2009, 07:51
Tawi2 I think "Pimps" are guys... 2nd June 2009, 08:29
jam07 Hi Northerner :) i'm sorry... 25th June 2009, 20:24
Gavanddal Sorry, I can't understand why... 4th July 2009, 08:24
ca143 Sorry, I can't understand why... 4th July 2009, 10:42
bornatbirth :icon_lol: whenever i gave... 4th July 2009, 20:27
Jay&Zobel NEITHER DO I!!! Yep,... 4th July 2009, 22:13
eagles Oh florge... i agree with you... 4th July 2009, 22:20
trader dave everyone to there own i... 4th July 2009, 22:44
Sophie I totally agree... 4th July 2009, 23:06
somebody Saying that many on here... 5th July 2009, 00:12
Northerner Like I said, lesson learnt.. 7th July 2009, 15:45
Jay&Zobel Good for you... 7th July 2009, 15:53
Northerner Already started:) Which is... 8th July 2009, 21:31
Jay&Zobel Yep, I've read your posts in... 8th July 2009, 21:38
eleazebonares oh my God..thought those... 23rd September 2009, 05:18
triple5 Aww, shouldn't have banned... 23rd September 2009, 12:27
adam&chryss :xxgrinning--00xx3: ... 23rd September 2009, 12:39
Northerner And I thought this thread... 23rd September 2009, 13:11
gWaPito Hi Northerner, A sad story of... 23rd September 2009, 14:52
jimeve I thought you was conjoined... 23rd September 2009, 16:58
Northerner Cheeky :censored: ... 23rd September 2009, 17:00
Florge waaaaaa.. she's banned?? I'm... 23rd September 2009, 13:23
tiN :doh:doh: Im late as... 23rd September 2009, 20:04
GaryFifer Money is the root of all... 25th September 2009, 15:28
KeithD Are you making an offer!:Erm: 25th September 2009, 16:55
eleazebonares Wahahahahahahahahaha! 25th September 2009, 19:21
Northerner As a master on said subject,... 25th September 2009, 19:42
bornatbirth which subject? money,katy... 25th September 2009, 19:50
GaryFifer subject bates? Ah we all know... 25th September 2009, 19:58
Northerner No comment :D 25th September 2009, 19:59
Ayjay Sorry to hear about this... 27th September 2009, 22:45
Northerner Thanks for the kind words AJ.... 28th September 2009, 00:04
aposhark Pity you can't get this... 28th September 2009, 00:18
Northerner :icon_lol: Yeah, I thought... 28th September 2009, 00:42
aposhark Hi Northerner, IMO, you won't... 28th September 2009, 01:05
aromulus That was the easy... 28th September 2009, 08:18
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Hello everyone,

    Since mid June of last year I was in a relationship with a young lady from the phils, we had never met except online and I had also gotten to know her family as well.

    Everything seemed fine at first. I was planning on going over in october last year, then that didn't pan out I was going over this June, then I had to move home so I was planning on going over to see her in October of this year.

    She already had a son but I was happy to accept him as he did not have a father (long story) and I was happy to ensure he had a good birthday late last year. I also got into the habit of providing for her and her family since last July. Buying her a mobile phone and a PC so we could stay connected and I even had broadband installed for her (well, internet).

    One of her siblings died last year and I provided the funds to bury him and after that we seemed distant. I thought it was how she coped with this tragedy and so carried on.

    But cracks were appearing as I had befriended people she knows and stories came my way as to how she would use the money I sent her and go out ll night. This was denied, but I just thought she was being young.

    Anyway, I stopped the money a few months ago as I was getting suspicious and there was an emergency every two weeks that needed money. Plus, due to this demand I needed to move somewhere cheaper.

    I never did get to the phils as my spare cash was sent via western union every month.

    And then this week, I discover she had given birth to a baby girl last month!

    And so... Lesson number one. Never send any money!

    The shame of it is this. Her family are very poor, and the babies father was a one night stand, never to be seen agan. And no more money from me means this family will strougle more now than ever.
    Sorry to hear about this Northerner... Train wrecks line this happen all to frequently... The trick is getting to know an honest Filipina without too much baggage.... Internet romances are difficult to gauge and evaluate.

    Anyway guy... chin up..

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayjay View Post
    Sorry to hear about this Northerner... Train wrecks line this happen all to frequently... The trick is getting to know an honest Filipina without too much baggage.... Internet romances are difficult to gauge and evaluate.

    Anyway guy... chin up..
    Thanks for the kind words AJ. However, this was a post I made in May, and even back then I was pretty much over her. Just venting my frustration out on this forum!

    But I have long moved on and the lady in my avatar is Rizza, who I know to be honest and sincere. And the reason I will land in the Philippines come October 28

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Thanks for the kind words AJ. However, this was a post I made in May, and even back then I was pretty much over her. Just venting my frustration out on this forum!

    But I have long moved on and the lady in my avatar is Rizza, who I know to be honest and sincere. And the reason I will land in the Philippines come October 28
    Pity you can't get this thread locked so you can concentrate on Rizza

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Pity you can't get this thread locked so you can concentrate on Rizza
    Yeah, I thought that the other day after it popped up and Rizza read it, thinking it was a new post (whilst we met to talk on yahoo).. Had a little tampo for a second or two before I explained the date of the post

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Yeah, I thought that the other day after it popped up and Rizza read it, thinking it was a new post (whilst we met to talk on yahoo).. Had a little tampo for a second or two before I explained the date of the post
    Hi Northerner, IMO, you won't see Tampo until you are married and living together. Then the "fun" begins. It is not measured in seconds but in hours that feel like days, or days that feel like weeks.....
    Being ignored is something I am trying to come to terms with, and not doing a very good job of it :HeadButter:

    The making up is blissful after the silence......

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    you won't see Tampo until . It is not measured in seconds but in hours that feel like days, or days that feel like weeks.....
    Being ignored is something I am trying to come to terms with, and not doing a very good job of it
    That was the easy version....

    You just wait till the full blown, all singing all dancing with bells on one, hits you like a sledgehammer.....

    And you sitting there for days, thinking " what the hell is that all about"??? (not in so many words.....)

  7. #7
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    That was the easy version....

    You just wait till the full blown, all singing all dancing with bells on one, hits you like a sledgehammer.....

    And you sitting there for days, thinking " what the hell is that all about"??? (not in so many words.....)

    Great stuff I get so much work done at home when Tampo occurs

    As I have said any self respecting Brit bloke can go for Days without talking i thought that was why the Great Britsh Shed was invented, walking the dog and the sport of fishing

    Dont look at tampo as a bad thing but a chance for reflection and chores crossed off the List
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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