Hello everyone,

Since mid June of last year I was in a relationship with a young lady from the phils, we had never met except online and I had also gotten to know her family as well.

Everything seemed fine at first. I was planning on going over in october last year, then that didn't pan out I was going over this June, then I had to move home so I was planning on going over to see her in October of this year.

She already had a son but I was happy to accept him as he did not have a father (long story) and I was happy to ensure he had a good birthday late last year. I also got into the habit of providing for her and her family since last July. Buying her a mobile phone and a PC so we could stay connected and I even had broadband installed for her (well, internet).

One of her siblings died last year and I provided the funds to bury him and after that we seemed distant. I thought it was how she coped with this tragedy and so carried on.

But cracks were appearing as I had befriended people she knows and stories came my way as to how she would use the money I sent her and go out ll night. This was denied, but I just thought she was being young.

Anyway, I stopped the money a few months ago as I was getting suspicious and there was an emergency every two weeks that needed money. Plus, due to this demand I needed to move somewhere cheaper.

I never did get to the phils as my spare cash was sent via western union every month.

And then this week, I discover she had given birth to a baby girl last month!

And so... Lesson number one. Never send any money!

The shame of it is this. Her family are very poor, and the babies father was a one night stand, never to be seen agan. And no more money from me means this family will strougle more now than ever.

*** UPDATE 28/09/2009 *** In the months since this post, I have met and fell for a lovely young lady called Rizza (pictured)