okay guys my sister been to ukvacs yesterday june 1 (phil time), everything went out well, she done it quick, applied for a spouse visa, please tell me if anyone out here still waiting for their visa and how long now since? I just can't wait of course to have her visa as well, so nice to get reunited back, we surely gonna meet up sometime soon....

She will be coming to colchester essex england hopefully soon(if granted), anyone out here from there? you are all welcome to meet up my sister as well, we can't do meet much as possible as i am way farther(scotland).
But.....so sad one of my sister the youngest (age 16) will be left behind, all our life weve been together,we go and been to same places back home but sad to say everything change now,her two older sisters(me and my other sis) was now married and nothing she can do about it but to accept the fact that we need to parted ways........i might cant handle it, she has no more big sis to go along with everytime if she wants to go somewhere, she will be feeling so lonely....oh my...that so hard.....wish we can take her from here or even wish we can raise up more cash and so we can finally settle in phils sometime soon..but anyway....never mind ..what impt is everything went so well n fine as we deserve to be. thank you...