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Thread: Sabong?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009
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    Cock fighting is illigal in the Philippines. but you know people always getting away from it.

    my friend bring me along with her bf to the cock fighting place. we tried betting but we did not win. I admit I did enjoy the cock fight even we did not win. lots of people coming there mostly are men. they're betting with big money. sometimes I am thinking to go back there someday and try my luck.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    South Cotabato.
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    Is cockfighting illegal? Purina report that gamefowl foods are a multi-million dollar industry in pinas,every single city and village has a cockpit,there are scores of magazines and TV programs devoted to sabong,pacifica agrivet stores are everywhere,and when I was at a derby earlier this year I heard that Glorias imbecilic son "Mikey" had lost millions of pesos last year at a derby,but its illegal?????Only in pinas could something illegal be so blatantly promoted
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