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Thread: Sabong?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    maybe its just me but isnt cock fighting sick??
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Its their culture mate,remember it was only a few years ago that it was legal here in the UK to chase a small animal with a pack of 50 hounds and a squad of horse and riders,running it to exhaustion sometimes for well over an hour,before it was caught and ripped apart Cockfights are over with very quickly,far far quicker than bullfights which also go on in europe,ever been inside a slaughterhouse?Not nice Besides,the birds are naturally inclined to fight,no one ever forces them,go into a farmyard and watch them spar for ages,its only man who introduced the spurs.Men are bloodthirsty,ever been to rome?Seen the coliseum?Yeah,it was hundreds of years ago,but inside men are still the same,look at the massive appeal of cage fighting and MMA,those guys are treated like gods in some parts of the world,I know what your going to say,they are aware of what they are doing,but no ones ever forced a gamefowl to fight,thats fact,its impossible to actually force one to fight

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