John,depends which part of pinas your wife is from firstly,if its some small village on a tiny island then its most likely going to be a bounty-bar advert "They came in search of paradise,and found it" type of idyll
But even paradise has problems
If she is from a city,they nearly all(except Davao,maybe duterte has something to do with that)have squalor,beggars,massive amounts of homeless and squatter camps(theres 10,000 people squatting in Manila north cemetary).Its not paradise to be honest,do a straw-poll,stop 100 people in Mall of Asia,all random strangers,ask them would they like to live and work abroad,I dare say 99 would say yes(The one who didnt answer?not his fault,he is a deaf mute)there are lots of problems there,if you move there and live there you become embroiled in it,utang na loob,as the foreigner suddenly you find yourself the answer to the families financial problems
Its a nice place to visit,thats fact,as for long term?Spain for me