I don't have time right now to give suitable and justified responses, but I will write a little so that I have it in my posts list. This way it will remind me to respond later.
For now I will just say that love is not love if it is conditional - it is purely selfish love. ie "I will love you if you do this or that". Where is the security in a relationship if one or the other always wonders if they are meeting the conditions or not. I mean, will you ever be secure that the other partner is not going to leave because you have not satisfied them enough. For a marriage to work it is important to understand that it is a lifetime committment NO MATTER WHAT in God's eyes. The law of the land should NEVER overide what God set in place. Two people should understand (before they get married) that it should be a lifetime committment with NO conditions set on each other apart from loving each other. If either of the parties is not prepared for that, they should NOT get married!
I can empathise and sympathise with those marriages where one of the partners totally lives for themselves. I want to think on that one and then give a reasonable response later