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Thread: Friday13 - my luckiest day ever

  1. #1
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    Friday13 - my luckiest day ever

    Helo everyone.

    I remember i gave a promise that i will write you once i come back from philippines. I just came back yesterday and so writing these great news that i would like to share with you. Everything went perfect we really liked each other there and we managed to marry.It was very close since we married the last day that was possible (friday 13) since i already had to leave on monday 16.I have to thank to thouse people who made excepion for us and made us possible to attend seminars on other days. Without this exception we would never be able to marry. So one more time thanks very much. People in philippines are really great and can really understand and help. What now ? I am waiting until my WIFE :-) finish the care givr course in philippines (end of december) and in January would like to bring her here. So again, if you have any suggestions or ideas that could help us, please share them with us and help us to make it as easiest as possible. If you know anyone who could help us or who need caregiving in London from january please let us also know. Thanks a again and dont forget. The friday 13 is not bad day for everyone. For us it is the greatest day in our lives.

    Take care.

    Your Peter from little country named slovakia hehehe

  2. #2
    Respected Member Louella's Avatar
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    Congratulations to both of you!!!


  3. #3
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Peterjanik, congrats and all the best with her
    Speaking bout that day (friday d 13th)... not bad just a normal day
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  4. #4
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peterjanik View Post
    Helo everyone.

    The friday 13 is not bad day for everyone. For us it is the greatest day in our lives.

    Your Peter from little country named slovakia hehehe


  5. #5
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    Our beautiful daughter was born on Friday 13th July, 2001, in AUF hospital, Angeles City, Philippines. I remember the day well.

    It cost me a bloody fortune

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pauldo View Post
    It cost me a bloody fortune

    You could have sold the baby to pay for it.......
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    talking about filipinos are great people, and friday the 13th, oh the majority are great people, but has anyone had any problems over in pinoyland ? a few years ago, I think it was flying to Bagiuo, after going thru the xray machine, i had to stand on a box while they searched me, and the guy touched my pocket, and said what that, i said coins, took them out of my pocket , it was english money, he look in my hand, picked up a £1 coin, smiled at me , then then said you can go, i told my misses what happend and she went crazy, why didnt i say something to him, its not the £1, but if the guy is willing to risk getting sacked for £1. what else or who else will he let thru for more..

    my wife tells my that her ex-bf when he comes back from states to philippines he always put $5 in his passport, so he never gets his bag searched by customs when he gets off the plane in manila.

    also i sat next to an english guy coming back from manila, he told me it was his first time at Manila INt, and he got lost, and ended up upstairs in the air port, where security guards had got him, they took him in a room, searched him, took all the money he had and gave him his passport back and told him to go.. i know its always a small majority, but it spoils it for people.. i've never had any problems like this at Manchester INT !!! lol..


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