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Thread: 6 month when does it start

  1. #1
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    6 month when does it start

    myself and my mahal are about to start the fiancee visa application process in the next week or so can anyone tell me when the 6 months actually starts is it the moment the visa is issued or the moment she arrives in the UK thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by james999 View Post
    myself and my mahal are about to start the fiancee visa application process in the next week or so can anyone tell me when the 6 months actually starts is it the moment the visa is issued or the moment she arrives in the UK thanks in advance

  3. #3
    Respected Member estherboaz's Avatar
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    the moment the visa is issued

  4. #4
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    thank you very much for the swift answers

  5. #5
    Respected Member estherboaz's Avatar
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    welcome james

  6. #6
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    How old is the visa now? I may be able to help solve your problem if too much time has lapsed after the issue date. My wife was not notified that her fiancee visa was ready for collection until more than 2 months had passed by. Amazingly they issued the visa after just 3 days (after applying) and it was ready to be collected at that time. British Embassy states that it takes up to 12 weeks for a fiancee visa to be ready, so we were not alarmed that 10 weeks had passed by without being notified it was ready. However they phoned up 10 weeks after the issue date asking why my wife had not collected her passport. If they had not phoned up she would not have known it was ready. In fact she had previously emailed them twice asking for a progress report but received no replies until the phone call.

    She then needed to give 1 months notice to her employer. By the time she arrived in Britain there was just over 2 months left on her visa. With a big effort we managed to get married and apply for spouse visa (FLR ID card) before the fiancee visa expired.

    However, as BE website says that you should travel within 1 month from the issue date it left us with some problems. We found out a way to resolve that issue. Therefore, if you are in the same situation we can help you
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  7. #7
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    Sorry James999. I didn't read what you wrote properly. I see that you haven't YET applied for fiancee visa. Therefore BEFORE YOU APPLY, please read the thread of mine entitled:

    Fiancee Visa,passports, Spouse Visa ID Cards,application advice Misc Queries etc

    found under topic "UK Immigration". I think it will explain most of the things you need to be aware of.
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
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