Quote Originally Posted by Pepe n Pilar View Post
Hi Zobel,
Thank you very much indeed. I was inspired by this thread of yours. I finally made banana cake and i made 2 flavours. Left - plain banana... right - with cinnamon

I just added 1 tsp of vanilla flavouring on each. One is plain banana flavour and the other one is with 1 tsp of ground cinnamon.... grabe ang sarap!...

HI Zobel,
This time I have made banana cake in a rectangular cake dish with cinnamon flavouring. I sliced them into 1 1/2" x 2" and wrapped in a foil and brought to work yesterday. I have distributed them during our coffee/tea break. I have shared to them some filipino dishes i know....I'm soooooo glad my co-workers and Manager loved it. They said more, more..... next time!!!!....

Thanks Zobel..
