Hi John, really appreciate your advices...thanks again!!! I have just spoken to the Home Office regarding my ID (very helpful). He said i can send my ID & passport to their office the latest i can be in the UK (that would be in August), together with my passport & a letter explaining the mistake in the card. They will have to charge me 30 pounds for a new card so it's not too bad, really!!! It will take 2weeks to process & send out to me. He also advised me to ring the immigration dept to ask if i can use my card to come into UK without any problem. I rang shortly after that conversation, the immigration officer (a lady) asked me to bring the letter which came with the ID with me when I travel back to the UK & any form of identification. I'm confident it will all be ok. I've been praying about it!!! By the way, skype doesn't work when i tried to ring the ID management office. Thanks to all!!! God bless.