Hi everyone,

haven't been here for a long time.

Just wanted to let you all know things aren't going at all well with me and Bert. He is eventually on a ship which comes to the UK, I went to visit him in Glasgow, then in Southampton. Which were both great, it was great to be together again and it was as if we'd never been apart.

3 weeks later I drove back down to Southampton where he dropped the bombshell that he didn't think he'd be able to live here in the UK because he msses his son too much and wants to go back to the Phils to live, his son needs him more than I do he says.

gutted! as you would be. Haven't heard from him since and that was 10 days go, have tried to call him a couple of times but always just goes to voicemail. Same kind of thing happened last year so no doubt he'll call out of the blue one day. just have to wait and see really.

So just wanted to give you an update....

K xx