We have been duped by the lies of those who want a reason to ignore their consciences or justify why they can do what they want. Evolutionists and scientists state their findings as if fact. They say that the Big Bang actually happened, but it is NOT a fact it is a theory!!!!!! They ignore the real test of science which is making discoveries by examination and real evidence.

To all scientists, evolutionists etc I challenge you: were you there when the so called big bang happened? Also, it sounds incredibly ludicrous to state that "in the beginning NOTHING exploded". There has always got to be cause and effect. How can nothing cause an explosion?

In fact, ALL explanations of fossils etc can be explained by the global flood of Noah in Genesis. Even in our day discoveries have been found by those who do not have a closed mind that fossils have been produced in front of our eyes under the right conditions. Some fossils have been found that have been aged at millions of years, but actually it has taken a matter of weeks to develop because of catastrophic events like volcano, floods etc

Please see www.answersingenesis.org/get-answers

This website is incredible. It has made great discoveries which gives strong evidence that evolutionists have got it completely wrong and bring great doubts into the ageing techniques scientists use. They have very strong arguments to show that this world is MUCH younger than science professors state as shown by many evidences they have found. Do not be scared to be confronted bvy truth. If you truly have an open mind and are convinced of what you believe then it wont cause you harm to check it out, unless you want to believe the lie?