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  1. #1

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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    John, about time we draw this thread to a close.
    Not all people appreciate or agree with your theological meanderings.

    It is creating divisions and jeopadizing virtual and actual friendships.

    This site, it is my strong belief, was not created for debating religion but to help Phil-brit couples to be together.

    Your input in this respect is very valuable, but forays into religious debates are not.
    Dom, no offence mate, but you really should have locked this thread a long time ago, but then Keith would have unlocked it again, being the troublemaker he is.

  2. #2
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    Before I send those articles I would like to contribute to one comment made. Hand on heart, can you really state that scientists have really made great discoveries for our good?

    Let's look at the evidence: the nuclear threat, global warming, increased famine, greater man-made disasters, economical breakdown, greater stress, increased numbers receiving pyshiatric treatment, greater pressures in life. Computers controlling our time (from breakdowns, virus's, spyware etc). The pace of life is creating an increase in mental and nervous breakdowns etc etc.

    I read that some of the tsunami's have been caused by nuclear testing underground in Australia (is that true?).

    So have we really advanced so much? and if we have advanced is is it REALLY for the benefit of mankind? Again I don't mind if you mock, I am no expert, but it seems to me that mankind has actually (in real terms) gone backwards. Did you know that previous civilisations were actually far more brilliant than us. Most of our technologies are based on their abilities to think, invent etc. We are simply applying to new technologies what they have provided. Why are we so arrogant to think we are more advanced than they were? Again, just raising the question.
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Chingford View Post
    Before I send those articles I would like to contribute to one comment made. Hand on heart, can you really state that scientists have really made great discoveries for our good?

    Let's look at the evidence: the nuclear threat, global warming, increased famine, greater man-made disasters, economical breakdown, greater stress, increased numbers receiving pyshiatric treatment, greater pressures in life. Computers controlling our time (from breakdowns, virus's, spyware etc). The pace of life is creating an increase in mental and nervous breakdowns etc etc.

    I read that some of the tsunami's have been caused by nuclear testing underground in Australia (is that true?).

    So have we really advanced so much? and if we have advanced is is it REALLY for the benefit of mankind? Again I don't mind if you mock, I am no expert, but it seems to me that mankind has actually (in real terms) gone backwards. Did you know that previous civilisations were actually far more brilliant than us. Most of our technologies are based on their abilities to think, invent etc. We are simply applying to new technologies what they have provided. Why are we so arrogant to think we are more advanced than they were? Again, just raising the question.
    John, this is probably your most ridiculous post yet, and confirms your anti-science stance. But this doesn't really surprise me, because dimissing all modern science is the only way of justifying your theories on the age of the earth, etc.

    So the answer to your question is emphatically YES! Science has given immense benefit to mankind. Where would you like me to start? Anti-biotics. Sewerage systems. Clean water. Agricultural systems capable of feeding billions. An understanding of the laws of nature. The capability to travel the world and communicate with people thousands of miles away. A huge wealth of information available at the touch of a button. I could go on.....

    What has religion given us? Very little, when compared to the above.

  4. #4
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    John, this is probably your most ridiculous post yet, and confirms your anti-science stance. But this doesn't really surprise me, because dimissing all modern science is the only way of justifying your theories on the age of the earth, etc.

    So the answer to your question is emphatically YES! Science has given immense benefit to mankind. Where would you like me to start? Anti-biotics. Sewerage systems. Clean water. Agricultural systems capable of feeding billions. An understanding of the laws of nature. The capability to travel the world and communicate with people thousands of miles away. A huge wealth of information available at the touch of a button. I could go on.....

    What has religion given us? Very little, when compared to the above.
    You miss my point. I do not deny that technology has produced amazing results. My point is: AT WHAT COST". The speed and pressures of life put upon us by these breakthroughs are actually creating a society of stressed people. I think computers are great (when they are working properly). However, technology is also enabling a big brother society.

    Ok, I know it is good against crime, but it is also misused. Our right to privacy is invaded much more. I pointed out that many more people are becoming stressed and pychologically ill because of todays society. Since the 1960's (the cold war)(and now because of radical Islam many are in fear of the nuclear threat and WMD, making a less stable world.

    So I am not saying that there are not advantages but I wonder if they are worth it in the full scheme of things. However, I am thankful that I have the opportunity through technology to submit my thoughts.
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
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  5. #5
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    John, this is probably your most ridiculous post yet, and confirms your anti-science stance. But this doesn't really surprise me, because dimissing all modern science is the only way of justifying your theories on the age of the earth, etc.

    So the answer to your question is emphatically YES! Science has given immense benefit to mankind. Where would you like me to start? Anti-biotics. Sewerage systems. Clean water. Agricultural systems capable of feeding billions. An understanding of the laws of nature. The capability to travel the world and communicate with people thousands of miles away. A huge wealth of information available at the touch of a button. I could go on.....

    What has religion given us? Very little, when compared to the above.
    Christainity didn't even give us Easter eggs or christmas it just evolved them from the religions and beliefs people had for thousands of years before Jesus
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  6. #6
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    As mentioned above I have sent the posts in answer to the criticisms. So that it does not tie up this thread and so that you do not read it if you don't want to, I have placed the answers under a new thread entitled:

    Great Evolution Deception Thread Replies To Criticisms

    If you want to read it, please read it there. If it upsets you, just ignore it!

    I cover the topics on:

    new evidence found by scientists concluding dinosaurs did not evolve into birds

    evidence and reasons why carbon dating supports a young earth

    the grand canyon evidence supports a young earth giving evidence of a noahic global flood

    why the bible is trustworthy
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
    Matthew 24 :

    Check Out My Blogsite For Evidence Why The Bible Can Be Trusted

  7. #7
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Chingford View Post
    As mentioned above I have sent the posts in answer to the criticisms. So that it does not tie up this thread and so that you do not read it if you don't want to, I have placed the answers under a new thread entitled:

    Great Evolution Deception Thread Replies To Criticisms

    If you want to read it, please read it there. If it upsets you, just ignore it!

    It does not upset me but many of us enjoy the freedom we have on this forum to debate if we think that someone posts need replying to. Or are we not allowed to hold differing views? Thankfully the church lost the power to stop people holding different views to it a good few years ago. If you post on a open forum expect for them to be questioned and debated by others in a polite manner.

    I cover the topics on:

    new evidence found by scientists concluding dinosaurs did not evolve into birds

    evidence and reasons why carbon dating supports a young earth

    the grand canyon evidence supports a young earth giving evidence of a noahic global flood

    why the bible is trustworthy
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Chingford View Post

    new evidence found by scientists concluding dinosaurs did not evolve into birds

    evidence and reasons why carbon dating supports a young earth

    the grand canyon evidence supports a young earth giving evidence of a noahic global flood

    why the bible is trustworthy
    John, with all due respect.

    You are entitled to your views and opinions, but now I feel that you are being delusional, and definitively reading the wrong sort of stuff.

    I admire your blind belief, but I reckon it is now the time and age, to wake up and smell the coffee....

    What you are preaching is worse than fundamentalism.
    You do not seem to entertain other people's scientifically proven facts, but hide behind biblical texts and quotes.

    Open your eyes and mind, science is an absolute.

  9. #9
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    I sent 2 posts at the end of page 6. However, as we are now on page 7, you may not notice my answers. Therefore, I post it again here, just in case you didn't see it:

    1) Hey guys. I started a thread NOT to preach at any of you, but simply to inform those who may be interested. The topic is loose talk & chat. Surely it can include any subject that may or may not be interesting. Is it ONLY christians who are not allowed to contribute their thoughts and HAVE to remain silent whilst the rest can say whatever they like whilst we remain gagged? I thought this was a free country.

    I wrote the thread because I AM fed up with being subtly preached at or mocked by atheists on TV, radio, newspapers etc about billions of years as if it is fact. I just wanted to give my pennyworth seeings they are allowed to say what they want to whether I like it or not (I have to put up with it and I do willingly because of their entitlement to do so). However, it is only fair that I also be allowed to respond, when I hear things stated as fact when they are theory - I just wanted to point it out, so that those who thought is was fact may be enlightened. There may actually be many who appreciate the things I have written (even those who are not members may appreciate it).

    Come on ...... if the topic annoys you, don't read it. You don't have to read everything that people post and you dont have to reply. If you feel you need to contribute - that's good, but if you say something we feel is inaccurate or if we can give you evidence to respond to your accusations or criticisms, it is only fair for us to do so.

    2) Hi BlueBirdJones. Again respect to you! By the way, Ken Ham is the CEO of AIG. This means that he is in charge. I know that he is not so qualified as you would like him to be, but he doesn't need to be that qualified as virtually all the articles are written by those he trusts (who are highly qualified) and even what he does write is information he gathers from his experts. The articles are written by VERY qualified people. I checked out the credentials of one of his experts. If you are interested I could post you his name and you could check him out yourself. Regarding Ken's comment that he doesn't want peoples opinions. I think that may be misquoted. As I do not know him I cannot know what he meant, but I would guess he actually said "I am not interested in your opinions (theories) but your factual evidences". If that is what he said, I think that would be a fair comment.

    For everybody else who have posted to this thread: a number of statements or criticisms have been made that I cannot remain silent about. There may be innocent people (members or non members) who read the things said and may be influenced by inaccurate information. I need to respond to all these criticisms, for the sake of the innocent ones who have received incomplete information. It is only right because many of you are trying to make a laughing stock out of christianity with your mocking replies.

    According to the scriptures Christians are encouraged to contend for the faith if our faith is put on trial. It seems that many of you are putting us on trial. Therefore, I have spent quite a lot of time over the last few days finding articles which (with respect) give strong arguments against the claims you have made. I have put these together and intend to post them soon. Now you don't have to read them if you dont want to, but for the sake of those who are interested I will post it. I think they will find it very informative.
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
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  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Wow.....has this thread

    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Wow.....has this thread

    Come on Mr. Minging Dictator, you should have been brainwashed into thinking that evolution does not exist.

    Get with the plan, man.

  12. #12
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    Everton vs Lillipud.......

    Where's the popcorn????

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Everton vs Lillipud.......

    Where's the popcorn????
    You know Dom, I was brought up in Liverpool and spent most of my young life there playing football.
    We always had friendly banter as half the kids wore Everton shirts, the other Liverpool shirts.
    It was fun in those days, OK, we gave each other some stick (Us blues had to take more stick than them, believe me) but we never lost friends because of it.
    If you can't take it, don't dish it out.
    I am enjoying how we are moving up the table year on year, we don't have the money they have from their success over the years (maybe this money is going to be harder for them to spend if you believe what the papers print) but it will be always be friendly for me, just a bit sad to see so many younger fans on both sides hating each other these days.
    Maybe it's because "they" are all from out of town! ( sorry Keith :-) )

  14. #14
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    And most important of all, technology can only prolong life but cannot prevent death. Actually maybe the result of technology produces MORE deaths than it saves?

    Christianity offers eternal life. A hope for a better day. Christianity (throughout history because of caring individuals practicing their faith) was in the forefront of abolishing slave trade, introducing hospitals (still are), medicine, child welfare (shaftesbury society, barnardos etc) shall I go on ......... lol
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
    Matthew 24 :

    Check Out My Blogsite For Evidence Why The Bible Can Be Trusted

  15. #15
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    This is the only contribution I am going to make on this thread.

    PLEASE can you all 'kiss and make up.'

    I was on a forum when I was in Dumaguete and I left because of all the 'In-house bickering and non-conclusive arguments.'

    I appreciate 100% that 'free speech' forums are wholly democratic etc...etc... but, can we please all remain 'friends and family' and remember that this is 'filipinouk.'

    Also, I admit to my hypocracy because I quite often ramble on about anything BUT 'filipinouk' in most of my postings. However, I try very hard never to get involved in religion, politics (BLOODY LABOUR PARTY) or sex (Yes please.)

    Please, I do not want to lose favour with anyone - it is the LAST thing I want to do - but, if differences of opinion arise with, shall I say, SERIOUS and CONTROVERSIAL subjects, that are not wholly popular with the masses on Filipinouk, then could perhaps those 'discussions' take place in PMs?

    Maybe I am out of order here, but I enjoy being a member here because of all the pleasure I get from reading and posting. Lately, I have not gained any pleasure from the religious postings here.

    Just my point of view guys, criticise if you will - but peace and love eh?

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  16. #16
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I think I might know the Dumaguete forum your referring to Alan

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    I think I might know the Dumaguete forum your referring to Alan
    Ah, really? There was far too much arguing and offensive language - maybe I had better not expand on this. One never knows who is reading.

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  18. #18
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I am in Dumaguete every year You ever pop into happy freds?There was always loads of arguing on that forum,I never joined,I just used to read it for the adverts,but the germans,americans,swedish etc always used to be bickering.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    I think I might know the Dumaguete forum your referring to Alan
    never heard of it.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Lately, I have not gained any pleasure from the religious postings here.
    You are not the only one, mate.

    It is doing my head in.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    This is the only contribution I am going to make on this thread.

    PLEASE can you all 'kiss and make up.'

    I was on a forum when I was in Dumaguete and I left because of all the 'In-house bickering and non-conclusive arguments.'

    I appreciate 100% that 'free speech' forums are wholly democratic etc...etc... but, can we please all remain 'friends and family' and remember that this is 'filipinouk.'

    Also, I admit to my hypocracy because I quite often ramble on about anything BUT 'filipinouk' in most of my postings. However, I try very hard never to get involved in religion, politics (BLOODY LABOUR PARTY) or sex (Yes please.)

    Please, I do not want to lose favour with anyone - it is the LAST thing I want to do - but, if differences of opinion arise with, shall I say, SERIOUS and CONTROVERSIAL subjects, that are not wholly popular with the masses on Filipinouk, then could perhaps those 'discussions' take place in PMs?

    Maybe I am out of order here, but I enjoy being a member here because of all the pleasure I get from reading and posting. Lately, I have not gained any pleasure from the religious postings here.

    Just my point of view guys, criticise if you will - but peace and love eh?

    Hi Alan,

    We have met and you seem like a nice person and your comments are always interesting and often funny.

    I have mentioned many times that if religious people refrain from trying to brainwash the non-believers here, then this forum would be a lot healthier.
    But you see Alan, they continue to try to spout off about this, that and the other.
    They should not be allowed to continue without rebuttal as many others find it boring and often distasteful.
    It is their call Alan, many of us have Filipina wives and girlfriends and many wish they would concentrate on non-religious subjects.
    I don't think one atheist has ever started a thread about how religious people should be atheists.
    Once again Alan, it is their call.....

  22. #22
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Iam not religious and not against any persons religious believes, but,

    STOP PREACHING. I was a little religious thinking there might be a god,
    but now I know, there's no such thing.

    thanks to this thread. I no longer have any religious beliefs, thanks John.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
    thanks to this thread. I no longer have any religious beliefs, thanks John.
    See what you done now...???

    You burst his bubble.........

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
    Iam not religious and not against any persons religious believes, but,

    STOP PREACHING. I was a little religious thinking there might be a god,
    but now I know, there's no such thing.

    thanks to this thread. I no longer have any religious beliefs, thanks John.
    same here.

  25. #25
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    This is the only contribution I am going to make on this thread.

    PLEASE can you all 'kiss and make up.'

    I was on a forum when I was in Dumaguete and I left because of all the 'In-house bickering and non-conclusive arguments.'

    I appreciate 100% that 'free speech' forums are wholly democratic etc...etc... but, can we please all remain 'friends and family' and remember that this is 'filipinouk.'

    Also, I admit to my hypocracy because I quite often ramble on about anything BUT 'filipinouk' in most of my postings. However, I try very hard never to get involved in religion, politics (BLOODY LABOUR PARTY) or sex (Yes please.)

    Please, I do not want to lose favour with anyone - it is the LAST thing I want to do - but, if differences of opinion arise with, shall I say, SERIOUS and CONTROVERSIAL subjects, that are not wholly popular with the masses on Filipinouk, then could perhaps those 'discussions' take place in PMs?

    Maybe I am out of order here, but I enjoy being a member here because of all the pleasure I get from reading and posting. Lately, I have not gained any pleasure from the religious postings here.

    Just my point of view guys, criticise if you will - but peace and love eh?

    Indeed peace love and jammy dodgers to all

    But the posts which start of the 5 million pages are as aposhark mentions and many others the ones that try to preach to us.

    If a lady or gentleman starts one wishing a happy easter or happy ramadan etc. Im all for wishing them a great day and will often ask how they celebrate it and as i wish to learn how others do.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  26. #26
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Dude, I read some you your posting with an unbridled measure of incredulty and an astonishing level of naiety on my part, in spite of your previous postings. Quite how you accrete such a predigious mass of inauspicious inaccuracies almost defies belief.


    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    .....religious people refrain from trying to brainwash the non-believers here.....
    Brainwash you into what? Please elucidate the regular materialisation of what you espouse above. To desire or even attempt to transform your attitude and beliefs totally, has not been sought by anyone to my knowledge.

    The fundamental issue is that some have made statements which for what ever reason you have an issue with. You have adopted tactics including rudeness to challenge those who have said things you did not like. Fair enough that is your character.

    In response, you have been presented with well thought out information which you seem unable to comprehend and challenge intelligently so you resort to saying that you are being preached to, the responses are boring and that a particular individual is a nutter. No matter what ones views are as far as religion is concerned, that is disrespectful and rude.

    Just because someone attempts to discuss in a robust and well thought out manner does not mean someone is preaching. You asked for evidence and then when you get someone trying to present it to you you disregard it as mumbo-jumbo and use other derogatory terms to try to mask the fact that you cannot deal with anything that challenges you to measure your responses. You have asuggested that religious views are based upon nothing more than delusional emotions (although not put quite so eloquently yet seem determined to provoke emotion in an attempt to steer focus away from what you cannot contend with.

    The folly that some of us made on here was to attempt to reason/debate an issue freely with an individual wo knows absolutely nothing about the subject he is waxing on about. Have you read the bible at all let alone thoroughly? I suspect not. Have you researched the extant academic literature on either side of the subject? Your failure to engage in an informed manner leads one to conclude that you have not. When someone knows so little about a subject area what good is debating with them! When some non-believers attempted to present their points well noone accused them of preaching or trying to brainwash. I for one acknowledged certain comments from JudyHon as being well put and was grateful that they were not made rudely.

    Had you made it clear that the discourse was to be conducted on anything other than an informed basis many of us would have veered away from it. The signs were there however when you demonstrated your over simplistic view of the world through uninformed use of the terms religion, faith, Christianity, Catholicism, the Church as being synonomus and in a current context.

    Even your signature is designed for one singular purpose - to cause offence. Why would anyone so deliberately want to do that - especially when it directly offends what their supposed loved one/wife believes in? I just don't get it. Have you been scarred in some way by someting we are unaware of. Why do you have so much anger within? Anyway, I do sincerely wish the best for you in spite of our differences.

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    ......they continue to try to spout off about this, that and the boring and often distasteful.
    Speaks for its itself.

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    ....many of us have Filipina wives and girlfriends and many wish they would concentrate on non-religious subjects......
    Not the first time that you've related Filipina wives and girlfriends to religion. I'm surprised that you keep raising this given what you said previously about your own wife understanding how things are.

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    .....I don't think one atheist has ever started a thread about how religious people should be atheists......
    To my knowledge no so-called religious person has ever started a tread about how athiests, non-believers, agnostics, etc. (there are differences) should be believers.

    Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
    Clearly, you are suggesting that anyone who is trying to convert another to their own beliefs whether believer or not should stop trying to do so. I share the same perspective.

    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    If a lady or gentleman starts one wishing a happy easter or happy ramadan etc. Im all for wishing them a great day and will often ask how they celebrate it and as i wish to learn how others do.
    That is a fundamental difference between you and some others. I agree with you. This is how we all learn, demonstrate tolerance and respect for others and also see the real beauty that heterogeneity brings.

    Some of my closest friends are non-believers. We never have any issues as they admire the differences between us, are well travelled, tolerant and demostrate love to all without rudeness.

    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    I would always believe science with a few failings than religion with many failings......All he has done is alienated some believers.
    You clearly think that science and religion are mutually exclusive! Hmmn! I am very evidently a scientist! Hmmn!!! And what research have you conducted to enable you make such an informed conclusion that some believers have been so alienated? Why do you make such unfounded statements as these? Anyways, no doubt your response which will ignore the specifics of wat I have said and fail to be constructive on any level and will also add to what we already know.

    As has been explained ad infinitum we all have choices. Choices to read, choices to express our thoughts, etc.

    I'm no longer going to respond to non-constructive or rude postings. I will however, continue to be me and stay true to my faith. If in doing so I inadvertantly use a loving term like God bless you in application to someone for whom the term is inappropriate or offensive please tell me politely and I will happily not use use the term in your context again.

    God bless you to all that want to be so addressed and peace to all others! I think we are all one no matter which side of the same coin we think we are on.

    Good fortune to everyone on here; I hope the sun is shining where you are - it is here. Pollen count is high also. Btw, does anyone get hayfever in da phils?
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  27. #27
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    Sorry Piamed,

    I don't read your posts anymore, because they are full of fairy stories, and idealogy without any proof.
    Give everyone here some proof, PLEASE......
    Once again, "god" cannot bless me because "it" does not exist......

    Spend your energies on this telling us other things.
    Bible thumpers never learn..........

    But, the rest of the UK population IS getting wiser because numbers at churches are lessening.

  28. #28

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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Btw, does anyone get hayfever in da phils?
    I normally get hay fever in June every year (got it now, but thanks to Loratadine its under control), however when I was in Tacloban in June 2004, I had no hay fever at all, same thing back in 1993 when I was working in Malta for the summer - no hay fever, so I can only assume its a problem in the UK.

  29. #29
    Respected Member John Chingford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Dude, I read some you your posting with an unbridled measure of incredulty and an astonishing level of naiety on my part, in spite of your previous postings. Quite how you accrete such a predigious mass of inauspicious inaccuracies almost defies belief.


    Brainwash you into what? Please elucidate the regular materialisation of what you espouse above. To desire or even attempt to transform your attitude and beliefs totally, has not been sought by anyone to my knowledge.

    The fundamental issue is that some have made statements which for what ever reason you have an issue with. You have adopted tactics including rudeness to challenge those who have said things you did not like. Fair enough that is your character.

    In response, you have been presented with well thought out information which you seem unable to comprehend and challenge intelligently so you resort to saying that you are being preached to, te responses are boring and that a particular individual is a nutter. No matter what ones views are as far as religion is concerned, that is disrespectful and rude.

    Just because someone attempts to discuss in a robust and well thought out manner does not mean someone is preaching. You asked for evidence and then when you get someone trying to present it to you you disregard it as mumbo-jumbo and use other derogatory terms to try to mask the fact that you cannot deal with anything that challenges you to measure your responses. You have asuggested that religious views are based upon nothing more than delusional emotions (although not put quite so eloquently yet seem determined to provoke emotion in an attempt to steer them away from what you cannot contend with.

    The folly that some of us made on here was to attempt to reason/debate an issue freely with an individual wo knows absolutely nothing about the subject he is waxing on about. Have you read the bible at all let alone thoroughly? I suspect not. Have you researched the extant academic literature on either side of the subject? Your failure to engage in an informed manner leads one to conclude that you have not. When someone knows so little about a subject area what good is debating with them! When some non-believers attempted to present their points well noone accused them of preaching or trying to brainwash. I for one acknowledged certain comments from JudyHon as being well put and was grateful that they were not made rudely.

    Had you made it clear that the discourse was to be conducted on anything other than an informed basis many of us would have veered away from it. The signs were there however when you demonstrated your over simplistic view of the world through uninformed use of the terms religion, faith, Christianity, Catholicism, the Church as being synonomus and in a current context.

    Even your signature is designed for one singular purpose - to cause offence. Why would anyone so deliberately want to do that - especially when it directly offends what their supposed loved one/wife believes in? I just don't get it. Have you been scarred in some way by someting we are unaware of. Why do you have so much anger within? Anyway, I do sincerely wish the best for you in spite of our differences.

    Speaks for its itself.

    Not the first time that you've related Filipina wives and girlfriends to religion. I'm surprised that you keep raising this given what you said previously about your own wife understanding how things are.

    To my knowledge no so-called religious person has ever started a tread about how athiests, non-believers, agnostics, etc. (there are differences) should be believers.

    Clearly, you are suggesting that anyone who is trying to convert another to their own beliefs whether believer or not should stop trying to do so. I share the same perspective.

    That is a fundamental difference between you and some others. I agree with you. This is how we all learn, demonstrate tolerance and respect for others and also see the real beauty that heterogeneity brings.

    Some of my closest friends are non-believers. We never have any issues as they admire the differences between us, are well travelled, tolerant and demostrate love to all without rudeness.

    You clearly think that science and religion are mutually exclusive! Hmmn! And what research have you conducted to enable you make such an informed conclusion that some believers have been so alienated? What do you make such unfounded statements? Anyways, no doubt your response which will ignore what i have said and fail to be constructive on any level will tell us everything we need to know.

    As has been explained ad infinitum we all have choices. Choices to read, choices to express our thoughts, etc.

    I'm no longer going to respond to non-constructive or rude postings. I will however, continue to be me and stay true to my faith. If in doing so I inadvertantly use a loving term like God bless you in application to someone for whom the term is inappropriate or offensive please tell me politely and I will happily not use use the term in your context again.

    God bless you to all that want to be so addressed and peace to all others! I think we are all one no matter which side of the same coin we think we are on. G

    ood fortune to everyone on here; I hope the sun is shining where you are - it is here. Pollen count is high also. Btw, does anyone get hayfever in da phils?
    Thanks Brother. You are right! In truth the christians on this site are actually trying to be compassionate, loving and forgiving. We certainly do not intend to be rude. If others think we are, it is just their interpretation, but the truth is we are being courteous. We are just trying to be informative.

    However, maybe we would be respected more if we were also rude and offensive? But for born-again believers, filled by the Holy Spirit it is not possible for us to behave in that way (generally). Everything I say is said in a spirit of compassion, love and peace. I try to hold everyone in respect and well meaning. But as this is an open forum stating that we are free to discuss ANYTHING, then I do not understand why we cannot respect everyone and their views. This does not mean that we shouldn't discuss things , but I agree that it should be done in a kind and pleasant way.

    As there are many believing Filipinas who use this site but maybe feel inadequate to express their feelings well in English, they may be frustrated by so much atheistic talk or some may be unfairly influenced by just hearing one side of the argument. My articles are mostly directed to help THEM and encourage them, to see that there are very STRONG evidencies to support our christian faith.

    You cannot ignore the fact that MOST Filipinas believe in God. As this is a Filipina UK forum you cannot dismiss what matters to them!!!!!!!

    By the way, we committed christians are not threatened by scientific theories and certainly not by those who do not give serious consideration to our well thought out rebuttals to scientific theory. We welcome any rebuttal, but are also entitled to respond with our own rebuttals, surely????????
    As the days of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man........ When You see these things happening, know that the time is close.
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  30. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    This is the only contribution I am going to make on this thread.

    PLEASE can you all 'kiss and make up.'

    I was on a forum when I was in Dumaguete and I left because of all the 'In-house bickering and non-conclusive arguments.'

    I appreciate 100% that 'free speech' forums are wholly democratic etc...etc... but, can we please all remain 'friends and family' and remember that this is 'filipinouk.'

    Also, I admit to my hypocracy because I quite often ramble on about anything BUT 'filipinouk' in most of my postings. However, I try very hard never to get involved in religion, politics (BLOODY LABOUR PARTY) or sex (Yes please.)

    Please, I do not want to lose favour with anyone - it is the LAST thing I want to do - but, if differences of opinion arise with, shall I say, SERIOUS and CONTROVERSIAL subjects, that are not wholly popular with the masses on Filipinouk, then could perhaps those 'discussions' take place in PMs?

    Maybe I am out of order here, but I enjoy being a member here because of all the pleasure I get from reading and posting. Lately, I have not gained any pleasure from the religious postings here.

    Just my point of view guys, criticise if you will - but peace and love eh?

    Thank you Alan, this is the only sensible post in this thread.

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