Hi all!
tryed to get trough all postings bout marriage here, but....
Didnt got answers to my questions.
I am EU (EEA) citizen livin n workin in UK,have not citizenship of UK, my Sunshine is from Phils, workin in UK, workin visa holder. Now we will get married, but I cant get clear answer whats goin on after our ceremony.....
My embassy said, she will get automatically all rights as wife of EU citizen, but she should apply to get uk residency, but that should be done out of UK.
Should she travel back to Phils??
and does somebody have some experience to apply EEA Family permit???
on site of register office was found information, ppl who r under immigration control can have ceremonies just in some places over UK, is workin visa holder under control or not??
WE ARE WERY thankful if somebody can help with advise n share experience!