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  1. #1
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    Am interested in how many pinoy families actually speak tagalog at home?

    My impression is most kids of pinoy families living outside of the Philippines can barely understand and speak tagalog?

    True or not?

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    true.. i wish i had taught my son my own language when he was young.. i never really did see the point in teaching him before but boy i wish i did! now he learns watching shows at tfc...
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    true.. i wish i had taught my son my own language when he was young.. i never really did see the point in teaching him before but boy i wish i did! now he learns watching shows at tfc...

    Yep, that was my dilemma at 1st whether to teach my son our own language or not. But I think it will be good. Like us in the PI, inside the house we speak in our local dialect (Bikol, Waray, Bisaya, etc), in the classrooms/outside we were taught how to speak Tagalog & English! Isn't that brilliant, us being able to speak 3 different languages?

    I don't know how brain works but it certainly does hehe

  4. #4
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    Yep, that was my dilemma at 1st whether to teach my son our own language or not. But I think it will be good. Like us in the PI, inside the house we speak in our local dialect (Bikol, Waray, Bisaya, etc), in the classrooms/outside we were taught how to speak Tagalog & English! Isn't that brilliant, us being able to speak 3 different languages?

    I don't know how brain works but it certainly does hehe
    the sooner you teach them the better ..
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  5. #5
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    yes, i would have really liked to "teach" my children to speak tagalog.
    i am trying a bit pero i find it difficult kasi their dad is not pinoy.

    they know some tagalog words - counting, bango at baho, and some songs
    - tong, tong, pakitong-kitong

    anyway, i'm doing research for my thesis on pinoy families living overseas and how much tagalog is spoken in their families.

    if you are willing to help with the research please answer the survey i devised.
    it's online and only I get to see the responses.

    malaking 10Q in advance!

  6. #6
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tala View Post
    yes, i would have really liked to "teach" my children to speak tagalog.
    i am trying a bit pero i find it difficult kasi their dad is not pinoy.

    they know some tagalog words - counting, bango at baho, and some songs
    - tong, tong, pakitong-kitong

    anyway, i'm doing research for my thesis on pinoy families living overseas and how much tagalog is spoken in their families.

    if you are willing to help with the research please answer the survey i devised.
    it's online and only I get to see the responses.

    malaking 10Q in advance!
    Be careful with links Tala as you are newbie you should ask admin or one of mods for permission first...
    Jiri & Maricel

  7. #7
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tala View Post
    yes, i would have really liked to "teach" my children to speak tagalog.
    i am trying a bit pero i find it difficult kasi their dad is not pinoy.

    they know some tagalog words - counting, bango at baho, and some songs
    - tong, tong, pakitong-kitong

    anyway, i'm doing research for my thesis on pinoy families living overseas and how much tagalog is spoken in their families.

    if you are willing to help with the research please answer the survey i devised.
    it's online and only I get to see the responses.

    malaking 10Q in advance!

    Hi Tala,
    Took your survey! But did not answer number 7: Thinking of your children , how well can they speak Filipino: as my child can barely talk hehe (he's 2mos old)... also did not put our personal details for security reasons...

  8. #8
    Respected Member thejarvs's Avatar
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    Hi tala, I've taken your survey pero a few minor details:

    Q2: I wanted a middle answer I wouldn't describe my tagalog fluency as 'Not well' or 'Well' but some where in the middle.

    Q3: The word 'Also' is not needed, I'm not filipino but my partner is filipina.

    Q6: I wanted to answer 'Mix of English and Filipino' for all 3 of us.

    I would be interested in the results tala, we are trying to teach Raffy English, Tagalog and Chinese.
    Mark, Cristina & Raffy

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by thejarvs View Post
    Hi tala, I've taken your survey pero a few minor details:

    Q2: I wanted a middle answer I wouldn't describe my tagalog fluency as 'Not well' or 'Well' but some where in the middle.

    Q3: The word 'Also' is not needed, I'm not filipino but my partner is filipina.

    Q6: I wanted to answer 'Mix of English and Filipino' for all 3 of us.

    I would be interested in the results tala, we are trying to teach Raffy English, Tagalog and Chinese.
    Thanks for responding to the survey and the tips on the questionnaire.
    I can only limit some parts of it because responses already exist.
    So I was able to revise Q3 but I won't be able to revise Q2 and Q6.

    What I will do is take note of what you would like your responses for Q2 and Q6 to be when I tally it.
    I will post anonymous results when I have completed this survey.
    It could still be open for another month...
    but I'll keep you posted. Thanks again!

  10. #10
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tala View Post
    Am interested in how many pinoy families actually speak tagalog at home?

    My impression is most kids of pinoy families living outside of the Philippines can barely understand and speak tagalog?

    True or not?
    True but sometimes its up to parents to teach them bilingual
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    True but sometimes its up to parents to teach them bilingual
    I always believed that and here I am with 2 kids who are NOT bilingual.
    One is 5 and she knows some words and some songs but not fluent.
    She rarely ever hears me speak Tagalog as I get to speak to people at home maybe once a month.

    The other is 2 and again no strong Tagalog there.
    The problem is - I don't how to start and how to keep it constant.

    So how does one incorporate language lessons with their kids?

  12. #12
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Its of course good to teach Children both Parents mother tongues and any other languages come to think of it.

    But from friends who lived in bilingual households or both parents many wanted to learn what their friends spoke. Some parents seem to try to hard to make their Children learn the mother tongue. Youths being youths many will want to do the opposite.

    Many friends and workmates from various cultures seem to almost rebel and hardly speak a word of their mother tongue. Many now regret this action
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Its of course good to teach Children both Parents mother tongues and any other languages come to think of it.

    But from friends who lived in bilingual households or both parents many wanted to learn what their friends spoke. Some parents seem to try to hard to make their Children learn the mother tongue. Youths being youths many will want to do the opposite.

    Many friends and workmates from various cultures seem to almost rebel and hardly speak a word of their mother tongue. Many now regret this action
    I found in my research that it is common for children to refuse to speak in the "mother tongue". Apparently, it is related to the negative perception that their "mother tongue" is an inferior language.

    For Filipinos, I believe this is something we should fight against.
    It is terrible because I myself would find I communicate more in English than in Filipino or Tagalog. This is the result of the negative perception and if it continues, I'm afraid it could mean that our language will eventually get so diluted it will become Taglish rather than Tagalog!

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