Hi everyone..
I had applied for a job in my husbands company and i just wanna ask, what are the procedures and requirements to get a National Insurance Number.
Thank you.
Hi everyone..
I had applied for a job in my husbands company and i just wanna ask, what are the procedures and requirements to get a National Insurance Number.
Thank you.
Have you been in the UK 2+ years if you married here, or did you marry in the Phil....more info....
Keith - Administrator
As Keith says, you need to give more information, but generally if you are here on a 24 month visa post marriage in Philippines, or further leave to remain post marriage in UK, you have to contact your local Department for Social security, they will then give you a phone number to call, they will then give you an appointment, and you will be expected to bring certain documents with you, such as passport, details of job, and then you will be taken through the NI procedures, NI numbers are only issued to those who have job offers in the UK, due to the large numbers of eastern european immigrants looking for NI numbers, the process can take up to 6 weeks.
Pete_Forum Moderator
Philippines marriage, Courtships, UK Entry Clearance
Applying for a national insurance number
"If you do not have a national insurance number and you need one, you should telephone the National Employment NINO application number on 0845 600 0643 to arrange an interview (textphone: 0845 600 0644). This interview will be at an office. It will seek to establish your identity and you will need to prove who you are. You can do this by taking along documents such as a birth certificate, driving licence, identity cards, letters from the Home Office etc. You will be asked questions about where you have lived and what jobs you have done.
You will not be issued with a number until the office is satisfied that you have proved your identity. Some people may have problems because they do not have the documents usually accepted as evidence.
You will also be expected to provide evidence to establish your right to work in the UK. If you don't have the right to work in the UK, you won't be entitled to a national insurance number."
A good thing is worth waiting on.
Thanks for all the helful info's...
ive been here for more than two weeks already on a settlement visa...i had applied for a job where my husband works....i just hope, with all the info's you have provided, i'll be able to get a National Insurance Number, without too many hassles..since, ive read that most of the people who has applied for the same experienced some delays and other problems..
Thank you............
You tend to go in circles for a few weeks. If your husband is your employer, and it's his company, he can process it for you......and being a Managing Director myself....I have no idea how..![]()
I'd also speak to an accountant to make sure the wages are 'correct', as Mr Taxman can look at it as a fiddle if it is not right.
Keith - Administrator
The 0845 numbers are premium rate.
Its better to go to the jobcentre in person. I'm not sure about this quote "You will also be expected to provide evidence to establish your right to work in the UK. If you don't have the right to work in the UK, you won't be entitled to a national insurance number."
I think even illegal immigrants can get NI numbers![]()
hmm my wife needed a NI number so i could claim Tax Credits, i dont think the job centre can help, i phoned the job centre + ones they didnt help either, we had to wait for the tax creds people to arrange with the NI people a interview, i went with my wife, yes you need your passport, proof of where u live ,etc, and once my wife got the number, she also started looking for a job, 6 months later shes working in the NHS, i think most settlement visas say the dreaded "no recourse to public funds", if it doesnt say you cannot work, then you can, but ive spoke to NI people they told me infact in some cases you dont need a NI num to look for work or work ,,, but trying telling the tax creds people that !!!... they wouldnt process the claim til they had the number..
If you go to the Job Centre (Well in london anyway) you will be asked to ring the phone line to arrange an Interview. My Wife was one of the last to use the Email method of booking.
There is now a Call centre up north, which handles all or most of the calls from the information.
The location of the Interview maybe some distance from your home my Wife had to travel to harlsden , i couldn't make it but luckily my parents offered to acompany her to one of Londons less stranger friendly areas.
The Interview was not to tough, my Wife already had a job (using temp number while waiting for interview) and lots of paperwork both regarding her work and bank account and identity papers.
One questions held up things a little which was "oh what is your hubbies NI number?" stupidly we had not made a note of it and stuck up in the city at a clients it was a bit hard to find the number straight off. But they found out the info and didn't hold things up to much.
The number was sent on a slip of paper a few days later in the post and the card about six weeks later. All you really need is the number but the card will help i guess when applying for jobs.
Been reading all about these NI, what a nightmare you're all been going through, I'm glad i didn't have to go through all that when i went to get my NI, just walk in the dss office with me n my hubbys passport a few utility bills,interviewed for a few minutes and thats it, walk out with NI in me hand, but then again, that was a long, long time ago...... Best of Luck to you all
Calling 0845 from my mobile costs 8.5p/min (+vat) thats MORE EXPENSIVE than calling honey ko on her mobile in the fil![]()
My wife tried to get an interview for a national insurance number and they told her that she would have to have proof that she was actually seeking work, such as, rejection letters. They just don't live in the real world, I mean, how many employers send out rejection letters to unsuccessful candidates these days. If you sent off a hundred job applications, you'd have much more chance of getting a job than of getting a rejection letter.
An employer can employ you without a national insurance number.They just need to give you a letter of employment,you then take that to the job centre and they will get you an appointment for an interview.Hope this helps
I finally had my interview few days back at the Jobcentre Plus and it was not as hard as i expected it to be...Thanks for all the info's guys....
Just have to show your passport (which includes your visa) and some proofs that i am actively seeking for a job...and the interviewer might ask you, the copy of your marriage certificate, but im sure, not in all cases...
Just waiting for the card.....hopefully within 4 to 6 weeks.....:-)
Just a little story for you about my experiences with NI a few years back(before czech rep joined EU) with a friend. She'd been working in the same company as me (member of my team) for some time and was awaiting her perm NI number. (at this time the company did arrange most of it).
She got a phone call asking why she had been deported... anyway she asked them to phone back the next day when she would have her passport with her..
Next day I told her to ask for the passport number before talking about it as I guessed they had mixed up someone else with the same name....turns out the name was completely different. I also told her to tell the "NI lady" the call was recorded and to turn on the record function on the work phone. surprising how the tone changed the moment she told the "NI lady" the call was recorded. (I was listening in, I wasn't about to lose the best worker in the team just for a NI mixup)
Anyway they still wanted her to go in, I gave her a lift down to the office.
Turns out not only do they mix up passports and forms but they can't read the forms either... She's called for an interview I just walk in too. normal type place, glass screen, table, one chair, I stand next to the chair against the wall....
No hellos, or anything just straight into the grilling...
NI Lady: "It says here on your form you are working in Czech rep, you aren't enttitled to a NI number."
Me: "no it doesn't, that column says work status employed, and that column says destination Czech Rep, she is employed in the uk and was visiting Czech Rep"
NI Lady "oh does it..." (tone changes a little)
NI Lady: "Well you need to make a statement about it"
Friend "ok"
Anyway the lady starts writing down something different to what my friend is saying so I stop her. From where i am standing i can read all the paper on the desk.
Me: "What are you writing?"
Lady: "Her statement"
Me: "A statement is what she says, not what you think she means, shall we start again? And we'll say no more about it"
Lady "oh...ok"
At this point the lady is very nervous, I've not introduced myself and she has assumed from the smart suit, black coat and leather folder (I borrowed it) I'm someone who knows far more about it than I do. Every few lines she looks up to me to check it's ok.
I didn't need to say anything after that, and it went smoothly. I felt a bit sorry for the lady, she went from aggressive to very nervous in about 5 seconds.
but it did give me a good laugh, and a day out the office ;-)
Sometimes they do mess it up, but you can still work as long as you are legal, it's just that it takes a little time to sort out payments to the right NI account.
Fun and games huh?
After my 2 weeks stayed, I researched the web all my prospects employers. I worked for electronics firm for 10 years and found a good website about all electronics companies in the UK. Then I made 10 Enquiry letters and got 10 replies including rejection letter. Then I presented this to Jobcentreplus during my interview. It will be processed in 4 weeks and waiting for it.
hello guys,
just confused about applying a certain job here in uk...do they company ( prospect employer) ask NIN prior to job offer? or We have to apply a certain job 1st, then if lucky enough to have a job offer... is it the time to apply for NIN?
If you get a job, usually the company gets you the NI, otherwise they can't pay you and government gets no money.
Keith - Administrator
if you are holding a tourist visa, absolutely you are not allowed to work.
My company help me to process my NI coz by the time i applied for NI, i still don't have a job. I have to provide proofs that that i'm seeking for work & one of this is rejection letter. I told my company that my NI is still on process & they called/contacted the HM Revenue & Customs. Few days after, i got my NI & it takes 4-6 weeks before i receive my NI card.
Life is what happens to you while your busy making other plans... - John Lennon
If you are lucky enough to get a job the company should give you a letter of employment,you then take the letter to the job centre and they will arrange an interview for a NI number.
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