Just a little story for you about my experiences with NI a few years back(before czech rep joined EU) with a friend. She'd been working in the same company as me (member of my team) for some time and was awaiting her perm NI number. (at this time the company did arrange most of it).
She got a phone call asking why she had been deported... anyway she asked them to phone back the next day when she would have her passport with her..
Next day I told her to ask for the passport number before talking about it as I guessed they had mixed up someone else with the same name....turns out the name was completely different. I also told her to tell the "NI lady" the call was recorded and to turn on the record function on the work phone. surprising how the tone changed the moment she told the "NI lady" the call was recorded. (I was listening in, I wasn't about to lose the best worker in the team just for a NI mixup)
Anyway they still wanted her to go in, I gave her a lift down to the office.
Turns out not only do they mix up passports and forms but they can't read the forms either... She's called for an interview I just walk in too. normal type place, glass screen, table, one chair, I stand next to the chair against the wall....
No hellos, or anything just straight into the grilling...
NI Lady: "It says here on your form you are working in Czech rep, you aren't enttitled to a NI number."
Me: "no it doesn't, that column says work status employed, and that column says destination Czech Rep, she is employed in the uk and was visiting Czech Rep"
NI Lady "oh does it..." (tone changes a little)
NI Lady: "Well you need to make a statement about it"
Friend "ok"
Anyway the lady starts writing down something different to what my friend is saying so I stop her. From where i am standing i can read all the paper on the desk.
Me: "What are you writing?"
Lady: "Her statement"
Me: "A statement is what she says, not what you think she means, shall we start again? And we'll say no more about it"
Lady "oh...ok"
At this point the lady is very nervous, I've not introduced myself and she has assumed from the smart suit, black coat and leather folder (I borrowed it) I'm someone who knows far more about it than I do. Every few lines she looks up to me to check it's ok.
I didn't need to say anything after that, and it went smoothly. I felt a bit sorry for the lady, she went from aggressive to very nervous in about 5 seconds.
but it did give me a good laugh, and a day out the office ;-)
Sometimes they do mess it up, but you can still work as long as you are legal, it's just that it takes a little time to sort out payments to the right NI account.
Fun and games huh?