Last week and this morning (because of a special event in our relationship . . . ) i had sent a series of nice gifts to my gal . .. and she was really appreciativeyet . . . she did ask a few questions and i want to get your take on it guys and gals!
She told me how wonderful she felt and how much she felt full of happiness and love upon receiving the gifts . . .
then she asked a curious question . . .
""***Are you doing this because you want to, or are you doing it because you feel like you should?***"
I was a bit shocked, but i wonder what u guys and gals think of it????
also we had had an IM chat about my past and hers, and i had been in 1 real long term relationship before meeting my mar . . .
and she asked in email. . . .
"I'm just wondering why you dont think that ***** is your soulmate, then it seems that the two of you are planning to get marry na...babe, this question is just part of my curiosity and hope you understand me. Babe, i am not mad at ***** and especially to you, i just want to ask and to know.."
hey guys and gals . . . , do u think this is just a normal concern for a gal? i guess especially since it's a LDR right?
wot u think???