Quote Originally Posted by MarBell379 View Post
My fiancee is in Batangas. She's NOT the one who knows Reading. We're hoping to get Visa applications in next month so hopefully she'll be here in October (fingers crossed).
I have met a few filipina's in Reading and Bracknell. There WAS a filipino festival in Bracknell for a couple of years running, but I didnt go - it was before I met my finacee and I didnt have a significant interest at the time, now I wish I had.
People are generally hospitable. It helps to not be too shy yourself though. I find a lot of people who complain about 'inhospitable' workmates that never talkk to them havent made any effort themselves so their colleagues think the same of them.
Good luck
I see. Thank you MarBell for the information and advises. We will be working too with our visas (my 2 kids), just don't know yet when will we be going to Manila for that as I am still preoccupied with work here.

Well goodluck to you and your fiancee my friend... Thanks again! God Bless!