... Perhaps it's due - for the GREATER part - to my sociable nature! But, as a 'Respected [in the most LITERAL sense of the word (I hope!)] Member', I invariably try to extend a Warm Welcome to ALL newcomers to the forum.

Occasionally, though, I belatedly realise I've somehow inadvertently overlooked greeting *SOMEbody in my eagerness to participate in one (or more) thread(s) that has/have captured my immediate attention. And for this, I apologise to the *person(s) concerned.

So, if YOU should happen to be a "Newbie" ... a very hearty welcome to you. Chances are, you heard about our website through the recommendations of a friend [I acknowledge the fact that I did ... and I've never looked back!]. It is equally probable you were searching for useful tips in your quest to bring your loved ones [be they fiance(e), spouse and/or family member(s)] to the United Kingdom. Or, there again, you might be contemplating pursuing some course of study at a British university or college. Whatever! We're here to do our utmost to assist you with each and every stage of the process. And, along the way, there is always the added bonus of forming lasting friendships with other members - thereby strengthening the bond that already exists between two nations located at opposite ends of the globe.

Arthur [Little]