What is your favourite techinque???
This is my favourite technique in yoga.
Stand straight with both feet close to each other. Both hands drop on the sides. Normal breathing. Hands in praying position close to the chest. Breath in and bring them both up above the head, interlock fingers. Bend backwards a little. Breath out. Bring both hands on the floor with both feet in the middle. Right foot backward, left foot bended, then bring left foot at the back with both ankles lifted. Both knees drop on the floor, move both arms forward, touching chest on both knees and forehead touching the floor(baby position). Lift your head and move forward with chin touching the floor in between both arms while bum out. Now drop both knees and tummy flat on the floor. Push up (cobra position), face towards the center with both hands pushing the weight up. Two feet up toes touching the floor. Bring right foot to the front whilst both hands still flat on the floor, then the left foot. Bring both hands up with interlock fingers, bend a little backwards. Breath in. Drop both hands on the sides. Breath out. Rotate both shoulders towards 3 x. Relax. Then repeat.