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Thread: New Season PL Fixture List

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
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    New Season PL Fixture List

    Saturday, 15 August 2009
    Aston Villa v Wigan, 15:00
    Blackburn v Man City, 15:00
    Bolton v Sunderland, 15:00
    Chelsea v Hull, 15:00
    Everton v Arsenal, 15:00
    Man Utd v Birmingham, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Fulham, 15:00
    Stoke v Burnley, 15:00
    Tottenham v Liverpool, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v West Ham, 15:00

    Tuesday, 18 August 2009
    Arsenal v Bolton, 19:45
    Birmingham v Portsmouth, 19:45
    Burnley v Man Utd, 19:45
    Fulham v Blackburn, 19:45
    Hull v Tottenham, 19:45
    Sunderland v Chelsea, 19:45
    West Ham v Aston Villa, 19:45
    Wigan v Wolverhampton, 19:45

    Wednesday, 19 August 2009
    Liverpool v Stoke, 19:45
    Man City v Everton, 19:45

    Saturday, 22 August 2009
    Arsenal v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Birmingham v Stoke, 15:00
    Burnley v Everton, 15:00
    Fulham v Chelsea, 15:00
    Hull v Bolton, 15:00
    Liverpool v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Man City v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Sunderland v Blackburn, 15:00
    West Ham v Tottenham, 15:00
    Wigan v Man Utd, 15:00

    Saturday, 29 August 2009
    Aston Villa v Fulham, 15:00
    Blackburn v West Ham, 15:00
    Bolton v Liverpool, 15:00
    Chelsea v Burnley, 15:00
    Everton v Wigan, 15:00
    Man Utd v Arsenal, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Man City, 15:00
    Stoke v Sunderland, 15:00
    Tottenham v Birmingham, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Hull, 15:00

    Saturday, 12 September 2009
    Birmingham v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Blackburn v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Fulham v Everton, 15:00
    Liverpool v Burnley, 15:00
    Man City v Arsenal, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Bolton, 15:00
    Stoke v Chelsea, 15:00
    Sunderland v Hull, 15:00
    Tottenham v Man Utd, 15:00
    Wigan v West Ham, 15:00

    Saturday, 19 September 2009
    Arsenal v Wigan, 15:00
    Aston Villa v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Bolton v Stoke, 15:00
    Burnley v Sunderland, 15:00
    Chelsea v Tottenham, 15:00
    Everton v Blackburn, 15:00
    Hull v Birmingham, 15:00
    Man Utd v Man City, 15:00
    West Ham v Liverpool, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Fulham, 15:00

    Saturday, 26 September 2009
    Birmingham v Bolton, 15:00
    Blackburn v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Fulham v Arsenal, 15:00
    Liverpool v Hull, 15:00
    Man City v West Ham, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Everton, 15:00
    Stoke v Man Utd, 15:00
    Sunderland v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Tottenham v Burnley, 15:00
    Wigan v Chelsea, 15:00

    Saturday, 3 October 2009
    Arsenal v Blackburn, 15:00
    Aston Villa v Man City, 15:00
    Bolton v Tottenham, 15:00
    Burnley v Birmingham, 15:00
    Chelsea v Liverpool, 15:00
    Everton v Stoke, 15:00
    Hull v Wigan, 15:00
    Man Utd v Sunderland, 15:00
    West Ham v Fulham, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Portsmouth, 15:00

    Saturday, 17 October 2009
    Arsenal v Birmingham, 15:00
    Aston Villa v Chelsea, 15:00
    Blackburn v Burnley, 15:00
    Everton v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Fulham v Hull, 15:00
    Man Utd v Bolton, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Tottenham, 15:00
    Stoke v West Ham, 15:00
    Sunderland v Liverpool, 15:00
    Wigan v Man City, 15:00

    Saturday, 24 October 2009
    Birmingham v Sunderland, 15:00
    Bolton v Everton, 15:00
    Burnley v Wigan, 15:00
    Chelsea v Blackburn, 15:00
    Hull v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Liverpool v Man Utd, 15:00
    Man City v Fulham, 15:00
    Tottenham v Stoke, 15:00
    West Ham v Arsenal, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Aston Villa, 15:00

    Saturday, 31 October 2009
    Arsenal v Tottenham, 15:00
    Birmingham v Man City, 15:00
    Bolton v Chelsea, 15:00
    Burnley v Hull, 15:00
    Everton v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Fulham v Liverpool, 15:00
    Man Utd v Blackburn, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Wigan, 15:00
    Stoke v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Sunderland v West Ham, 15:00

    Saturday, 7 November 2009
    Aston Villa v Bolton, 15:00
    Blackburn v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Chelsea v Man Utd, 15:00
    Hull v Stoke, 15:00
    Liverpool v Birmingham, 15:00
    Man City v Burnley, 15:00
    Tottenham v Sunderland, 15:00
    West Ham v Everton, 15:00
    Wigan v Fulham, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Arsenal, 15:00

    Saturday, 21 November 2009
    Birmingham v Fulham, 15:00
    Bolton v Blackburn, 15:00
    Burnley v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Chelsea v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Hull v West Ham, 15:00
    Liverpool v Man City, 15:00
    Man Utd v Everton, 15:00
    Stoke v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Sunderland v Arsenal, 15:00
    Tottenham v Wigan, 15:00

    Saturday, 28 November 2009
    Arsenal v Chelsea, 15:00
    Aston Villa v Tottenham, 15:00
    Blackburn v Stoke, 15:00
    Everton v Liverpool, 15:00
    Fulham v Bolton, 15:00
    Man City v Hull, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Man Utd, 15:00
    West Ham v Burnley, 15:00
    Wigan v Sunderland, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Birmingham, 15:00

    Saturday, 5 December 2009
    Arsenal v Stoke, 15:00
    Aston Villa v Hull, 15:00
    Blackburn v Liverpool, 15:00
    Everton v Tottenham, 15:00
    Fulham v Sunderland, 15:00
    Man City v Chelsea, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Burnley, 15:00
    West Ham v Man Utd, 15:00
    Wigan v Birmingham, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Bolton, 15:00

    Saturday, 12 December 2009
    Birmingham v West Ham, 15:00
    Bolton v Man City, 15:00
    Burnley v Fulham, 15:00
    Chelsea v Everton, 15:00
    Hull v Blackburn, 15:00
    Liverpool v Arsenal, 15:00
    Man Utd v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Stoke v Wigan, 15:00
    Sunderland v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Tottenham v Wolverhampton, 15:00

    Tuesday, 15 December 2009
    Birmingham v Blackburn, 19:45
    Bolton v West Ham, 19:45
    Burnley v Arsenal, 19:45
    Hull v Everton, 19:45
    Man Utd v Wolverhampton, 19:45
    Stoke v Fulham, 19:45
    Sunderland v Aston Villa, 19:45
    Tottenham v Man City, 19:45

    Wednesday, 16 December 2009
    Chelsea v Portsmouth, 19:45
    Liverpool v Wigan, 19:45

    Saturday, 19 December 2009
    Arsenal v Hull, 15:00
    Aston Villa v Stoke, 15:00
    Blackburn v Tottenham, 15:00
    Everton v Birmingham, 15:00
    Fulham v Man Utd, 15:00
    Man City v Sunderland, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Liverpool, 15:00
    West Ham v Chelsea, 15:00
    Wigan v Bolton, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Burnley, 15:00

    Saturday, 26 December 2009
    Arsenal v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Birmingham v Chelsea, 15:00
    Burnley v Bolton, 15:00
    Fulham v Tottenham, 15:00
    Hull v Man Utd, 15:00
    Liverpool v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Man City v Stoke, 15:00
    Sunderland v Everton, 15:00
    West Ham v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Wigan v Blackburn, 15:00

    Monday, 28 December 2009
    Aston Villa v Liverpool, 15:00
    Blackburn v Sunderland, 15:00
    Bolton v Hull, 15:00
    Chelsea v Fulham, 15:00
    Everton v Burnley, 15:00
    Man Utd v Wigan, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Arsenal, 15:00
    Stoke v Birmingham, 15:00
    Tottenham v West Ham, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Man City, 15:00

    Saturday, 9 January 2010
    Arsenal v Everton, 15:00
    Birmingham v Man Utd, 15:00
    Burnley v Stoke, 15:00
    Fulham v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Hull v Chelsea, 15:00
    Liverpool v Tottenham, 15:00
    Man City v Blackburn, 15:00
    Sunderland v Bolton, 15:00
    West Ham v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Wigan v Aston Villa, 15:00

    Saturday, 16 January 2010
    Aston Villa v West Ham, 15:00
    Blackburn v Fulham, 15:00
    Bolton v Arsenal, 15:00
    Chelsea v Sunderland, 15:00
    Everton v Man City, 15:00
    Man Utd v Burnley, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Birmingham, 15:00
    Stoke v Liverpool, 15:00
    Tottenham v Hull, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Wigan, 15:00

    Tuesday, 26 January 2010
    Bolton v Burnley, 19:45
    Man Utd v Hull, 19:45
    Portsmouth v West Ham, 19:45
    Stoke v Man City, 19:45
    Tottenham v Fulham, 19:45
    Wolverhampton v Liverpool, 19:45

    Wednesday, 27 January 2010
    Aston Villa v Arsenal, 19:45
    Blackburn v Wigan, 19:45
    Chelsea v Birmingham, 19:45
    Everton v Sunderland, 19:45

    Saturday, 30 January 2010
    Arsenal v Man Utd, 15:00
    Birmingham v Tottenham, 15:00
    Burnley v Chelsea, 15:00
    Fulham v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Hull v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Liverpool v Bolton, 15:00
    Man City v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Sunderland v Stoke, 15:00
    West Ham v Blackburn, 15:00
    Wigan v Everton, 15:00

    Saturday, 6 February 2010
    Birmingham v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Bolton v Fulham, 15:00
    Burnley v West Ham, 15:00
    Chelsea v Arsenal, 15:00
    Hull v Man City, 15:00
    Liverpool v Everton, 15:00
    Man Utd v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Stoke v Blackburn, 15:00
    Sunderland v Wigan, 15:00
    Tottenham v Aston Villa, 15:00

    Tuesday, 9 February 2010
    Arsenal v Liverpool, 19:45
    Fulham v Burnley, 19:45
    Portsmouth v Sunderland, 19:45
    West Ham v Birmingham, 19:45
    Wigan v Stoke, 19:45
    Wolverhampton v Tottenham, 19:45

    Wednesday, 10 February 2010
    Aston Villa v Man Utd, 19:45
    Blackburn v Hull, 19:45
    Everton v Chelsea, 19:45
    Man City v Bolton, 19:45

    Saturday, 20 February 2010
    Arsenal v Sunderland, 15:00
    Aston Villa v Burnley, 15:00
    Blackburn v Bolton, 15:00
    Everton v Man Utd, 15:00
    Fulham v Birmingham, 15:00
    Man City v Liverpool, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Stoke, 15:00
    West Ham v Hull, 15:00
    Wigan v Tottenham, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Chelsea, 15:00

    Saturday, 27 February 2010
    Birmingham v Wigan, 15:00
    Bolton v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Burnley v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Chelsea v Man City, 15:00
    Hull v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Liverpool v Blackburn, 15:00
    Man Utd v West Ham, 15:00
    Stoke v Arsenal, 15:00
    Sunderland v Fulham, 15:00
    Tottenham v Everton, 15:00

    Saturday, 6 March 2010
    Arsenal v Burnley, 15:00
    Aston Villa v Sunderland, 15:00
    Blackburn v Birmingham, 15:00
    Everton v Hull, 15:00
    Fulham v Stoke, 15:00
    Man City v Tottenham, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Chelsea, 15:00
    West Ham v Bolton, 15:00
    Wigan v Liverpool, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Man Utd, 15:00

    Saturday, 13 March 2010
    Birmingham v Everton, 15:00
    Bolton v Wigan, 15:00
    Burnley v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Chelsea v West Ham, 15:00
    Hull v Arsenal, 15:00
    Liverpool v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Man Utd v Fulham, 15:00
    Stoke v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Sunderland v Man City, 15:00
    Tottenham v Blackburn, 15:00

    Saturday, 20 March 2010
    Arsenal v West Ham, 15:00
    Aston Villa v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Blackburn v Chelsea, 15:00
    Everton v Bolton, 15:00
    Fulham v Man City, 15:00
    Man Utd v Liverpool, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Hull, 15:00
    Stoke v Tottenham, 15:00
    Sunderland v Birmingham, 15:00
    Wigan v Burnley, 15:00

    Saturday, 27 March 2010
    Birmingham v Arsenal, 15:00
    Bolton v Man Utd, 15:00
    Burnley v Blackburn, 15:00
    Chelsea v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Hull v Fulham, 15:00
    Liverpool v Sunderland, 15:00
    Man City v Wigan, 15:00
    Tottenham v Portsmouth, 15:00
    West Ham v Stoke, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Everton, 15:00

    Saturday, 3 April 2010
    Arsenal v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Birmingham v Liverpool, 15:00
    Bolton v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Burnley v Man City, 15:00
    Everton v West Ham, 15:00
    Fulham v Wigan, 15:00
    Man Utd v Chelsea, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Blackburn, 15:00
    Stoke v Hull, 15:00
    Sunderland v Tottenham, 15:00

    Saturday, 10 April 2010
    Aston Villa v Everton, 15:00
    Blackburn v Man Utd, 15:00
    Chelsea v Bolton, 15:00
    Hull v Burnley, 15:00
    Liverpool v Fulham, 15:00
    Man City v Birmingham, 15:00
    Tottenham v Arsenal, 15:00
    West Ham v Sunderland, 15:00
    Wigan v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Stoke, 15:00

    Saturday, 17 April 2010
    Birmingham v Hull, 15:00
    Blackburn v Everton, 15:00
    Fulham v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Liverpool v West Ham, 15:00
    Man City v Man Utd, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Stoke v Bolton, 15:00
    Sunderland v Burnley, 15:00
    Tottenham v Chelsea, 15:00
    Wigan v Arsenal, 15:00

    Saturday, 24 April 2010
    Arsenal v Man City, 15:00
    Aston Villa v Birmingham, 15:00
    Bolton v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Burnley v Liverpool, 15:00
    Chelsea v Stoke, 15:00
    Everton v Fulham, 15:00
    Hull v Sunderland, 15:00
    Man Utd v Tottenham, 15:00
    West Ham v Wigan, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Blackburn, 15:00

    Saturday, 1 May 2010
    Birmingham v Burnley, 15:00
    Blackburn v Arsenal, 15:00
    Fulham v West Ham, 15:00
    Liverpool v Chelsea, 15:00
    Man City v Aston Villa, 15:00
    Portsmouth v Wolverhampton, 15:00
    Stoke v Everton, 15:00
    Sunderland v Man Utd, 15:00
    Tottenham v Bolton, 15:00
    Wigan v Hull, 15:00

    Sunday, 9 May 2010
    Arsenal v Fulham, 15:00
    Aston Villa v Blackburn, 15:00
    Bolton v Birmingham, 15:00
    Burnley v Tottenham, 15:00
    Chelsea v Wigan, 15:00
    Everton v Portsmouth, 15:00
    Hull v Liverpool, 15:00
    Man Utd v Stoke, 15:00
    West Ham v Man City, 15:00
    Wolverhampton v Sunderland, 15:00

  2. #2
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    You forgot Division One - the most important league!!

    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

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