Quote Originally Posted by LouLou View Post
Interesting to read this thread... I'm a British woman, happily married to a Filipino and we reside here in the UK together. We lived together in the Philippines for a couple of years previously, though. In total, we've been together three years and married for one. We're of similar age, have lots of values in common and work together as a great team, I think.

I think it would be rather narrow-minded to stereotype Filipino men, just as it would British men - they are as diverse as each other! I know shy, timid Brits and aggressive, domineering types and everything else in between. Similarly, some Pinoys are confident and like to dominate, whilst others are rather retiring. I think, broadly speaking, it's fair to say that Filipinos (and Filipinas) have more old-fashioned principles than us Brits though - which I really admire. At the same time, I love living in modern, forward-thinking and technologically-advanced UK (most of the time).

In addition, I certainly wouldn't say my husband dislikes my being able to assert myself; he's calmer but quietly much more stubborn and can certainly intelligently stand his ground. And we both work to pay the bills so we both make important decisions together. I'm not saying it's perfect; I missed home when living out there and he misses home when here. I think that's often the case for couples when one is from a different country/ culture... However, we're both in a healthy, happy and loving relationship... therefore no regrets. And he certainly didn't marry me for a green card; he'd love it if I suddenly decided I wanted to live in the Philippines. The bags would be packed before I could utter "Sunshine, simple living and white, sandy beaches"!

Finally, I've been to Manila on a few occasions and found it to be absolutely fine. Much safer than parts of London and the although the taxi drivers can be a bit sly, I generally found the people to be as friendly as in the south.

So, good luck with your adventures in love. I'd love to hear how you get on.

Hi Lou

Really nice to read your story. Welcome to the forum!