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Thread: Am I the only one!

  1. #91
    Member englishbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs.JMajor View Post
    But hey glad to know that there are western women like pinoy guys ha
    I love this thread, it is soo funny. I am one of the western women who like the pinoy guys. Well, I like one in particular and theres no size problem there. Lots of British men have nothing to be proud of in that area.

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by englishbird View Post
    I am one of the western women who like the pinoy guys. no size problem there. Lots of British men have nothing to be proud of in that area.
    ----- British men

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by englishbird View Post
    I love this thread, it is soo funny. I am one of the western women who like the pinoy guys. Well, I like one in particular and theres no size problem there. Lots of British men have nothing to be proud of in that area.

    thats good for you girl...and you prove them whats out girl, they might give you red, that's a very sensitive subject.

  4. #94
    Respected Member Jem's Avatar
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    Im another British girl with pinoy boyfriend.. well husband now! He will be submitting visa application on wednesday. So englishbird, which ship did you meet your guy on??

  5. #95
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Im another British girl with pinoy boyfriend.. well husband now! He will be submitting visa application on wednesday. So englishbird, which ship did you meet your guy on??
    the good ship lollipop,

  6. #96
    Member englishbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Im another British girl with pinoy boyfriend.. well husband now! He will be submitting visa application on wednesday. So englishbird, which ship did you meet your guy on??
    Hi Gem.

    He works for Princess Cruises, I not going to say which ship, because you never know whos reading these threads and I don.t want to get him into trouble. He sneaks to my cabin when Im on the ship and that is a sackable offence if he was to get caught.

    Where did you meet your husband?. Have you visited the Philippines much?. Im due to visit him in November and I have been quite worried about going there.

  7. #97
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    goodluck for you all ladies with your pinoy bf and hubbies
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  8. #98
    Respected Member Jem's Avatar
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    ohhhh Princess! Thats who i used to work for and where me and my husband worked. We were both bartenders for the company. So im really wondering what ship??? I love it in the philippines. Have been twice to stay with my hubby before we got married. You will love it im sure and his family will welcome you as everyone is so welcoming and friendly! At least give me a hint as to what department he works on the ship in?? x

  9. #99
    Member englishbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    ohhhh Princess! Thats who i used to work for and where me and my husband worked. We were both bartenders for the company. So im really wondering what ship??? I love it in the philippines. Have been twice to stay with my hubby before we got married. You will love it im sure and his family will welcome you as everyone is so welcoming and friendly! At least give me a hint as to what department he works on the ship in?? x
    Hes a bartender. Which ship did you work on?

  10. #100
    Respected Member Jem's Avatar
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    ive been on the Dawn, the Sapphire and most recently the Grand...

  11. #101
    Member englishbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    ive been on the Dawn, the Sapphire and most recently the Grand...
    Ive not been on any of those ships. I have been on the Caribbean, the Sea Princess twice and I have just come back from Alaska on the Diamond. That was the first cruise I have done on my own!. Im hoping that he gets the Grand as his next ship, cheaper and less travelling for me, as Im only about 3 hours from Southampton. Alaska was great but a long way for a week. Saying that, i am going all the way to Manila for just a week. Do you still work for Princess?

  12. #102
    Respected Member Jem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by englishbird View Post
    Ive not been on any of those ships. I have been on the Caribbean, the Sea Princess twice and I have just come back from Alaska on the Diamond. That was the first cruise I have done on my own!. Im hoping that he gets the Grand as his next ship, cheaper and less travelling for me, as Im only about 3 hours from Southampton. Alaska was great but a long way for a week. Saying that, i am going all the way to Manila for just a week. Do you still work for Princess?
    Oh i did alaska on the Dawn and Sapphire and loved it! Its such an amazing place!!

    Im still on the books for Princess, but we took a break to get married. Not sure if we will go back, need to wait until hubby gets his visa sorted and moves over here before we decide. Where is your boyf from in Philippines? My husband has worked for Princess for more than 5 years so theres a good chance he would know your boyf.

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Oh i did alaska on the Dawn and Sapphire and loved it! Its such an amazing place!!

    Im still on the books for Princess, but we took a break to get married. Not sure if we will go back, need to wait until hubby gets his visa sorted and moves over here before we decide. Where is your boyf from in Philippines? My husband has worked for Princess for more than 5 years so theres a good chance he would know your boyf.

    Its weird to hear you call him my boyfriend, because I have only seen him a few times in the last 2 years, I sort of think of him as a really good friend. We email all the time and he calls me when he can, more when hes at home. I don't know where it will lead. he has kids in the Philippines, so i dont think he would come here and I don't think I couls cope with living there. So its just fun for now and I get to travel to see him. Im a travel agent so I get soem good prices for the cruises.

    I think he has been with Princess for about 5 years and I think he may have been on the Dawn before I knwe him.

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by englishbird View Post
    Well, I like one in particular and theres no size problem there. Lots of British men have nothing to be proud of in that area.

  15. #105
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    Ok, so you worked on boats...?

    How about real seagoing ships...???

  16. #106
    Respected Member Jem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by englishbird View Post
    Its weird to hear you call him my boyfriend, because I have only seen him a few times in the last 2 years, I sort of think of him as a really good friend. We email all the time and he calls me when he can, more when hes at home. I don't know where it will lead. he has kids in the Philippines, so i dont think he would come here and I don't think I couls cope with living there. So its just fun for now and I get to travel to see him. Im a travel agent so I get soem good prices for the cruises.

    I think he has been with Princess for about 5 years and I think he may have been on the Dawn before I knwe him.
    ahh sorry i thought he was your boyfriend! Its a great excuse to travel tho and who knows where it will lead! Whats his name?

  17. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Whats his name?

  18. #108
    Member englishbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    ahh sorry i thought he was your boyfriend! Its a great excuse to travel tho and who knows where it will lead! Whats his name?
    I would like to think of him as my boyfriend, but I find it weird to call him that when I hardly see him.

    His name is Edwin.

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by englishbird View Post
    I would like to think of him as my boyfriend, but I find it weird to call him that when I hardly see him.

    His name is Edwin.
    Quite a popular name..I know 3 Edwins but they were all on the Grand/ Sapphire with me so wont be the same guy. Next time your talking to him ask if he knows Arnie Tugawin. He is from Manila. I know there are 100's of filipinos on Princess Ships but theres a good chance they know eachother both being bartenders! Is november going to be the next time you see eachother?

  20. #110
    Member englishbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Quite a popular name..I know 3 Edwins but they were all on the Grand/ Sapphire with me so wont be the same guy. Next time your talking to him ask if he knows Arnie Tugawin. He is from Manila. I know there are 100's of filipinos on Princess Ships but theres a good chance they know eachother both being bartenders! Is november going to be the next time you see eachother?

    Yeah November, it seems such a long time to wait. He finishes his current contract in October. I can't afford to go back to Alaska again, so I will have to wait. I have been recommended some apartments to stay in, in the Makati area. He lives outside of Manila, so he will come and stay with me in the apartment. Once he finds out his next ship, i will then hopefully book to go and see him on the ship.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by englishbird View Post
    Yeah November, it seems such a long time to wait. He finishes his current contract in October. I can't afford to go back to Alaska again, so I will have to wait. I have been recommended some apartments to stay in, in the Makati area. He lives outside of Manila, so he will come and stay with me in the apartment. Once he finds out his next ship, i will then hopefully book to go and see him on the ship.
    Makati is where Arnie has a condo. Thats where i have stayed when i have been over. Close to lots of malls and great restaurants and its not too far from the airport either!

  22. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Makati is where Arnie has a condo. Thats where i have stayed when i have been over. Close to lots of malls and great restaurants and its not too far from the airport either!
    Great, sounds like i've picked the right place. I've done alot of research on the internet and asked a few questions on here and it seems like its one of the safest places to stay. Im still really nervous though. I've heard that the airport is hectic and its really hard to find the people that are meeting you. Im sure i'll be ok

  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by englishbird View Post
    Great, sounds like i've picked the right place. I've done alot of research on the internet and asked a few questions on here and it seems like its one of the safest places to stay. Im still really nervous though. I've heard that the airport is hectic and its really hard to find the people that are meeting you. Im sure i'll be ok
    Yeh the airport is a bit of a nightmare!! There are sections in alphabetical order so just get Edwin to stand and a specific letter and wave frantically! Its really overwhelming when you first arrive. It will be so humid and there are literally 1000 of people at the pick up point!! But dont let that put you off cos once you see your man you will forget all about it!

  24. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Yeh the airport is a bit of a nightmare!! There are sections in alphabetical order so just get Edwin to stand and a specific letter and wave frantically! Its really overwhelming when you first arrive. It will be so humid and there are literally 1000 of people at the pick up point!! But dont let that put you off cos once you see your man you will forget all about it!
    I thought about maybe meeting him at the apartment, but I think i would be more scared getting a taxi on my own than trying to find him outside the airport.

    How often do you get to see your hubby?. Is he allowed to come here for a visit?

  25. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by englishbird View Post
    I thought about maybe meeting him at the apartment, but I think i would be more scared getting a taxi on my own than trying to find him outside the airport.

    How often do you get to see your hubby?. Is he allowed to come here for a visit?
    Yeh just get him to meet you outside the airport.. much better!!

    We see eachother often, its just very scattered! When we are on the ship we are together for 6 months and then we both go home for a couple of months but in those breaks i went to Phils for holiday. We just had 3 weeks together in Thailand and now we are waiting for the visa to be approved so who knows when we will see eachother again but SOON i hope! He would need to get a visit vissa to come here so its just been easier for me to go there!

  26. #116
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    Interesting to read this thread... I'm a British woman, happily married to a Filipino and we reside here in the UK together. We lived together in the Philippines for a couple of years previously, though. In total, we've been together three years and married for one. We're of similar age, have lots of values in common and work together as a great team, I think.

    I think it would be rather narrow-minded to stereotype Filipino men, just as it would British men - they are as diverse as each other! I know shy, timid Brits and aggressive, domineering types and everything else in between. Similarly, some Pinoys are confident and like to dominate, whilst others are rather retiring. I think, broadly speaking, it's fair to say that Filipinos (and Filipinas) have more old-fashioned principles than us Brits though - which I really admire. At the same time, I love living in modern, forward-thinking and technologically-advanced UK (most of the time).

    In addition, I certainly wouldn't say my husband dislikes my being able to assert myself; he's calmer but quietly much more stubborn and can certainly intelligently stand his ground. And we both work to pay the bills so we both make important decisions together. I'm not saying it's perfect; I missed home when living out there and he misses home when here. I think that's often the case for couples when one is from a different country/ culture... However, we're both in a healthy, happy and loving relationship... therefore no regrets. And he certainly didn't marry me for a green card; he'd love it if I suddenly decided I wanted to live in the Philippines. The bags would be packed before I could utter "Sunshine, simple living and white, sandy beaches"!

    Finally, I've been to Manila on a few occasions and found it to be absolutely fine. Much safer than parts of London and the although the taxi drivers can be a bit sly, I generally found the people to be as friendly as in the south.

    So, good luck with your adventures in love. I'd love to hear how you get on.


  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by LouLou View Post
    Interesting to read this thread... I'm a British woman, happily married to a Filipino and we reside here in the UK together. We lived together in the Philippines for a couple of years previously, though. In total, we've been together three years and married for one. We're of similar age, have lots of values in common and work together as a great team, I think.

    I think it would be rather narrow-minded to stereotype Filipino men, just as it would British men - they are as diverse as each other! I know shy, timid Brits and aggressive, domineering types and everything else in between. Similarly, some Pinoys are confident and like to dominate, whilst others are rather retiring. I think, broadly speaking, it's fair to say that Filipinos (and Filipinas) have more old-fashioned principles than us Brits though - which I really admire. At the same time, I love living in modern, forward-thinking and technologically-advanced UK (most of the time).

    In addition, I certainly wouldn't say my husband dislikes my being able to assert myself; he's calmer but quietly much more stubborn and can certainly intelligently stand his ground. And we both work to pay the bills so we both make important decisions together. I'm not saying it's perfect; I missed home when living out there and he misses home when here. I think that's often the case for couples when one is from a different country/ culture... However, we're both in a healthy, happy and loving relationship... therefore no regrets. And he certainly didn't marry me for a green card; he'd love it if I suddenly decided I wanted to live in the Philippines. The bags would be packed before I could utter "Sunshine, simple living and white, sandy beaches"!

    Finally, I've been to Manila on a few occasions and found it to be absolutely fine. Much safer than parts of London and the although the taxi drivers can be a bit sly, I generally found the people to be as friendly as in the south.

    So, good luck with your adventures in love. I'd love to hear how you get on.

    welcome to the forum Lou.. It is always nice to read happy ending love stories.. am glad that u like Manila despite of the traffics.. Stay in love..

  28. #118
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    welcome Lou Lou, are you Scottish

  29. #119
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I actually saw one pinoy guy/english lady couple at the barrio fiesta on Sunday.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  30. #120
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    I'm English.

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