Take heart! When I was in my late teens, I was like that too ... shy, sensitive and ... yes [dare I say] tall, dark and (it HAD been said)handsome.:lol2: Yet I didn't seem to "score" in the way the more macho type did. I even used to imagine I'd be left on the shelf! Then, at age 20, I met the girl who was to become my first wife. She and I were together for twenty-seven years ... UNTIL ...
... sadly she died prematurely ... and, once again, I found myself on my owneo ... only by THIS time, I was a balding, middle-aged man, and despaired of ever finding true happiness again. But, though I'd lost my "looks", 24 years of marriage and maturity had built up my self-confidence to the extent that I found myself "re-living my 'teenage' years" throughout my fifties.
Then, in 2007, I began corresponding on an almost daily basis with a Filipina. And, thanks to the wonders of modern technology - plus a little help from a small nest egg left to me by a maiden aunt - I was able to twice visit her homeland at the back end of last year. Now, I'm once again a happily-married man. It just goes to show that none of uscan predict what lies in store for us ... so please, DO try to stay POSITIVE ... no matter WHAT age you are!