How would they know
The intresting thing was what the priate bay blokes were nicked for and if i was the board of rapidshare would be looking over my shoulder. Which is im sure like youtube which had a policy change i belive a while back due to pressures. No board memeber worries about fines if they can take them in their stride but prison time is not very handy if you want to be a director..
The Stockholm district court in Sweden found the defendants guilty not of hosting materially illegally, but of "providing a website with sophisticated search functions, simple download and storage capabilities, and a tracker linked to the website [that helped users commit copyright violations]."
ie sort of aiding and abetting, ie they cant go after every downloader so will most likely cut of the supply far easier.
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
well many people use google to find the warez their looking for, no need for warez sites.
well someone leaked phone calls and internal emails from media defender, and if i remember correctly they had tried to put fake torrents on pirate bay a few times but they all were deleted by the admins.
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