Quote Originally Posted by gracia143 View Post
You're most definitely right Florge.

Sometimes we are just looking at the person's personality and we forget to focus on the character....Personality can be develop but Character is the being.

Here in the forum we may never know what the personalities nor character of those people we come across with and so we can never judge nor be critical of each other. We all are a mystery here and that is what makes this forum unique and special. We get on well...and we get on with our lives outside this virtual community.

I come in peace!!! Enjoy the day you 'sexy/classy' lot!

You're right Gracia. We really don't know each personalities and real looks of each and everyone in this forum.
We are misery! Some says the truth some says not and pretending. That's common in the worldwide web.

Character is the best. That's the real beauty that can't fade

By the way sorry sa age huh. It was to be continued but didn't finish 'til now. My apology