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Thread: hi im andy uk-could anyone give me some advice please?

  1. #1
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    hi im andy uk-could anyone give me some advice please?

    Hi Im Andy from the Uk.Have been to the Philippines 3 times now and have met a very nice girl who I would like to bring over for a visit.Shes currently living with her family in Bukidnon and is unemployed so no money really.have just paid for a passport for her and now have the sticky part of the visa!
    Basically I wish to be upfront and honest to the visa officials but have read on other places on the net that they take a very dim view of marriagable age single filpinas up to 45 coming to visit a man here as they feel that once they are in the country they will just stay here.Id like her here to about November and then I would go back to meet her family if all has gone ok.She will definitely be going back.Im happy to show the officials a return ticket but obviously dont want to buy until I know they will grant a visa.
    The form also asks that if I am paying for everything for what reason I am doing it and how much wll the trip cost to her.Does she put nothing,and do I just say that I am her boyfriend?
    And finally am I just wasting my time if she has to tell the officils she has no money?
    Any feedbak asap would be greatly appreciated thanks Andy

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bootha View Post
    Hi Im Andy from the Uk.Have been to the Philippines 3 times now and have met a very nice girl who I would like to bring over for a visit.Shes currently living with her family in Bukidnon and is unemployed so no money really.have just paid for a passport for her and now have the sticky part of the visa!
    Basically I wish to be upfront and honest to the visa officials but have read on other places on the net that they take a very dim view of marriagable age single filpinas up to 45 coming to visit a man here as they feel that once they are in the country they will just stay here.Id like her here to about November and then I would go back to meet her family if all has gone ok.She will definitely be going back.Im happy to show the officials a return ticket but obviously dont want to buy until I know they will grant a visa.
    The form also asks that if I am paying for everything for what reason I am doing it and how much wll the trip cost to her.Does she put nothing,and do I just say that I am her boyfriend?
    And finally am I just wasting my time if she has to tell the officils she has no money?
    Any feedbak asap would be greatly appreciated thanks Andy
    Hi Andy, welcome in here
    From what you've said I have that bad gut feeling about it as it was mentioned in here on the forum many times that visit visa is pretty much "lottery".
    And given the circumstances of your GF I can't see many chances that her visit visa will be approved
    As basically in the view of ECO she has no reason to return back to Philippines it will be very very hard to persuade them to issue her with visa - even more so if you'll admit yourself as her BF in the application/support letter.
    Even more "wealthy" people with strong reasons for return back were refused visa.
    If I were you I would take things bit slower and try fiancee or spousal visa way - when spousal visa is nearly "sure shot".
    Hope I didn't put you off, good luck to you both
    Jiri & Maricel

  3. #3
    Respected Member estherboaz's Avatar
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    welcome to the forum andy.

    i think its not yet late for your girlfriend to be employed.why not be self employed.set up a small business or small store.register and include the permit to her visa application.Another thing is, if they own a property, have her name included.That could prove that she will come back because of her business and property. if she still lacks money, borrow from a trusted friend and promise that she will return it after an hour.After an hour she gets the bank certificate.The bank account should jive with the business or source of income.The money should not come from just somewhere there should be a proof of income.

    Actually thats what i did when i applied for a visit visa.after a week, they approved my applciation.

    Another thing to prove is your relationship and constant she saving all your emails and chat logs?

    i suggest pls visit this website:

  4. #4
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    Hi bootha,

    Search for "Visas" here in this forum and get loads of info.
    Seems like visit visas are harder to get than Fiancee or Settlement (after Marriage).
    Your funds are more important than hers.

    Do a lot of research here and make the right decision, Andy :-)

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Hi bootha,

    Search for "Visas" here in this forum and get loads of info.
    Seems like visit visas are harder to get than Fiancee or Settlement (after Marriage).
    Your funds are more important than hers.

    Do a lot of research here and make the right decision, Andy :-)
    Applying for a visit visa is though fairly cheap and shouldn't take too much time/effort. Just need to be prepared for the possibility of being refused (don't think you can appeal either).

  6. #6
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    i think you will have a big problem getting yr gf a visitors visa if she has no job or money ---i tried that 3 times just a waste of money

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bootha View Post
    Hi Im Andy from the Uk.Have been to the Philippines 3 times now and have met a very nice girl who I would like to bring over for a visit.Shes currently living with her family in Bukidnon and is unemployed so no money really.have just paid for a passport for her and now have the sticky part of the visa!
    Basically I wish to be upfront and honest to the visa officials

    Welcome to the forum, Andy. In certain respects, your situation "mirrors" my own.

    After a year of almost daily correspondence with a Filipina High School teacher, I visited her home province of Davao for 3 weeks last September - during which time, we decided we'd like to spend the rest of our lives together, and she applied for early retirement. I then came back to Scotland in order to acquire a Certificate of No Impediment from my local Registrar in Perth, before returning to the Phils in late November. A few weeks later, we were married there in a civil ceremony, and I twice extended my stay to await the processing of my wife's visa. She finally arrived in the UK on March 8 - exactly three months to the day from our wedding date.

    Since it would appear that yours' too, is a genuine relationship, then I would strongly recommend you opt for the spousal route. Visit her a fourth time ["armed" with your CNI (ensuring she obtains HER Cenomar in the interim!)] get "hitched" in her homeland, and start the ball rolling ...

    ... the reason I'm suggesting dispensing with any formal engagement is because, in my opinion, it's an infinitely more expensive choice. The cost of a *fiancee visa is precisely the same as a Spousal one ... both £550+ ... and then there is the *added expense of handing over this amount [at least] AGAIN to apply for FLR (Further Leave to Remain) if you marry over HERE, as the law, as it stands, only allows her to stay in the UK for a maximum period of six months (within which period, the wedding MUST take place).

    That's my advice for what it's worth, mate. Others - for reasons best known to themselves - might disagree. But, if I were you, I'd follow my own instincts [as I DID, in the end ... once I'd been made well and truly aware that the tourist/visit method (which I'd wanted to begin with) was likely to prove a non-starter]. And I've never regretted it. So, if the pair of you are really serious about one another, then GO, go, go ...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by trader dave View Post
    i think you will have a big problem getting yr gf a visitors visa if she has no job or money ---i tried that 3 times just a waste of money
    Some people though in similar situations have had them granted. Personally I would never suggest to anyone to try three times, but if it's a path that you want to follow it's worth one attempt as long as you are not going to get too upset if you get refused.

    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    :... the reason I'm suggesting dispensing with any formal engagement is because, in my opinion, it's an infinitely more expensive choice. The cost of a *fiancee visa is precisely the same as a Spousal one ... both £550+ ... and then there is the *added expense of handing over this amount [at least] AGAIN to apply for FLR (Further Leave to Remain) if you marry over HERE, as the law, as it stands, only allows her to stay in the UK for a maximum period of six months (within which period, the wedding MUST take place).

    That's my advice for what it's worth, mate. Others - for reasons best known to themselves - might disagree. But, if I were you, I'd follow my own instincts [as I DID, in the end ... once I'd been made well and truly aware that the tourist/visit method (which I'd wanted to begin with) was likely to prove a non-starter]. And I've never regretted it. So, if the pair of you are really serious about one another, then GO, go, go ...
    Arthur is slightly incorrect in his facts - FLR is actually £465 for postal application. Which is a reasonable amount of money, but compared to the whole cost (flights, visas, etc) is actually a relatively small percentage. Fiancee visas are useful if you want to live together in the UK before getting married, if you can't manage time off work to go to the Philippines to get married, or if you want to get married in the UK.

    I do agree with Arthur that you should always follow your own instincts. A lot of people will suggest their way is best (which it probably was for them) but you should do what's right for you.

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post

    Arthur is slightly incorrect in his facts - FLR is actually £465 for postal application. Which is a reasonable amount of money, but compared to the whole cost (flights, visas, etc) is actually a relatively small percentage. Fiancee visas are useful if you want to live together in the UK before getting married, if you can't manage time off work to go to the Philippines to get married, or if you want to get married in the UK.

    Sorry Andy, MY mistake ... for which I apologise. Also, Darren is quite right in implying Fiancee Visas DO HAVE their uses ... especially in the circumstaces he's outlined. Again, though, the choice is entirely yours [and, your girlfriend's of course] to discuss between yourselves before coming to any definite decision.

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Arthur is slightly incorrect in his facts - FLR is actually £465 for postal application.
    Apologies ... I stand corrected!

    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    I do agree with Arthur that you should always follow your own instincts. A lot of people will suggest their way is best (which it probably was for them) but you should do what's right for you.
    Thanks, Darren.

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