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Thread: Moving abroad and the implications?

  1. #1
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    Question Moving abroad and the implications?


    I wonder if our experts here could shed a little light on an issue that has come up for me.

    I have had a job offer to work in Dubai, in a married status role.

    As you know, my wife Rochelyn has only been in the UK since the middle of May this year.

    Assuming the company that I will be working for can sort out visas for both of us in the U.A.E., what are the implications for her returning to the UK at a later time?

    Does she lose the UK settlement visa that we have both tried so hard to get?

    Thanks for any help.

  2. #2
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    Hi Aposhark,

    We had a similar situation, I received my FLR which is supposed to be spouse visa (valid for 2 years) on Feb07 then my hubby had an offer to work abroad also! And I chose to stay in Philippines rather than staying alone in UK. I was out of the country for 9 months, and then came back to the UK in time to apply for my ILR ( which will be the residence permit ) They approved my ILR but we needed to give them lots more evidence to prove while out of the country we were still together! So all in all I stayed out of the UK for 9months and in the UK for 15 months with a spouse visa status.

    I hope it will give u some ideas

    It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    If I were you i would contact the Home Office and explain the situation, if you let them know up front and they record the situation on your file maybe it will work as long as you keep evidence that you have lived together even though it is outside the UK.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiN View Post
    Hi Aposhark,

    We had a similar situation, I received my FLR which is supposed to be spouse visa (valid for 2 years) on Feb07 then my hubby had an offer to work abroad also! And I chose to stay in Philippines rather than staying alone in UK. I was out of the country for 9 months, and then came back to the UK in time to apply for my ILR ( which will be the residence permit ) They approved my ILR but we needed to give them lots more evidence to prove while out of the country we were still together! So all in all I stayed out of the UK for 9months and in the UK for 15 months with a spouse visa status.

    I hope it will give u some ideas

    Hi tiN,

    Thanks for your quick reply.
    I haven't really delved into the ILR/FLR business yet, as Rochelyn & I are really just starting our life together in England.
    Thanks again, time to do some more thinking.......

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sconnie View Post
    If I were you i would contact the Home Office and explain the situation, if you let them know up front and they record the situation on your file maybe it will work as long as you keep evidence that you have lived together even though it is outside the UK.
    Thanks for the quick reply, Sconnie :-)
    Your comments give us useful thoughts, thank you.....

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sconnie View Post
    If I were you i would contact the Home Office and explain the situation, if you let them know up front and they record the situation on your file maybe it will work as long as you keep evidence that you have lived together even though it is outside the UK.

    Very helpful advice John and Vanessa :-)
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