Quote Originally Posted by aphrodite78 View Post
thanks penny. i am now looking into dswd. i spoke to them earlier but i have to ring them again because i was in discussion with them regarding my kids' clearance if they need one if they are travelling with me to dubai. as regards to my previous marriage i also thought that since my ex was already married when we got married it will be just declaring it and voila but no they didn't agree with me. i have to go thru a painful and agonizing 11 mos and lots of dosh to get it anulled (although they didn't explained why). nevertheless got my marriage anulled ages ago. but like what i asked in the forum "am i right to say that children from bigamous marriage are illegitimate?" and a lot said that it is. now i have to ask them or some of you do i still have to apply for child custody just to avoid the hassle of being questioned about sole custody. many thanks again
11 months was too long. Some lawyers are only after money. They just need to file a case and publish in newspapers about your marriage with him. It was null and void from the beginning. It cost around 10,000 pesos if you filed thru PAO or Public Atty's Office. But that was it! You still lucky your marriage litigation was over.
About your child, I am not sure if you registered him/her with his surname.
If some children are illigitimate, and their father accepted them and signed during their registration, they called it LEGITIMATED. Please ask your lawyer about this things. There are lawyers in Pinas that specialized in Family Code of The Philippines.
Whe you married your British husband, did you declare at embassy that you have child previously?

Goodluck and be determined to win your child custody. You can make it.