Quote Originally Posted by aphrodite78 View Post
hi penny thanks for your reply. yup i have declared them when i first applied for my settlement visa and declared them again on my application for ilr. when i gave birth to my first child we were not married yet at that time but he accepted and signed his name on his birth cert, my second child was different as his situation already came to light (it was a tough time as i was about to give birth) and i put father unknown or not applicable on her birth cert. the first 2 lawyers who handled my case was really after the money and all my hard earned cash while i was still in the phils went to the case. i kept on asking my self at that time do i really need to go through this process because no one explained it to me but nevermind it went smoothly and it was over and done with. i have inquired 3 weeks ago regarding child custody to a lawyers firm in ortigas (they got a website) and they are charging me 75K each child + expenses (etc etc) and they even threatened me that my application at the british embassy will be turned down if i applied for their settlement visa and i didn't have the child custody hence i have sought advice and opinion at this wonderful site. i do hope i need not to apply for child custody as it's a lot of money specially at this present recession period we need to save the money plus i've got a wedding to sort out as well so every penny are all accounted for now. thanks again and hope you have a lovely day.
Why not try to get your second baby as you said his father was unknown and you are the sole and only one who have right for custody. Have you tried to talk nicely to your bigamous partner b4? Who knows he's thinking about your babies future. If he's not that selfish, then you can have it if you sit down and talk. If he cannot give both, then try one. It's also hurt for him if he's the one who raise them without you. They are both your babies so both of you have reasons.
75 K is too much. I wish you can find an honest to goodness lawyer. We just finished from our case about my mom's property and I spent about 400 £ total. That includes all fees and attorneys fees. My Mom won the case after 2 years and I am pleased we got a respected lawyer. He is just a new lawyer but brilliant. So try to gather more lawyer inquiries.
That's good you declare them to embassy. I have friend who didn't declare his son so his visa took longer because he needs to undergo DNA.

Just don't give go signal to crocodile lawyers. I bet you can find the right lawyer. If you want free consultaion and free lawyer, go to nearest PAO office and ask for legal help. They can give you free. Your Mom or other relative can ask your question thru them. Tell them to visit PAO and ask their contact numbers. That will be great for you if you're here in the UK.