Hi Fitzy,

I am glad you were able to sort things out but I think you have humilated Roni publicly...
You have spilt all the beans re: her family situations, sex, money etc etc...

You have also mentioned that there's another girl that you are thinking of visiting in August...

If I was Roni, I will surely get hurt & dump you forever. Not only because you humilated her but also you jumped into conclusions without investigating it first... Long Distance relationships are pretty hard and you know that! You should have been very careful.

You, Roni & Mary Jane are the victims in this kind of situation...

And now, what will happen to this Mary Jane? Will you still continue talking to her while you are with ronii? Or dump her because you know the girl on the phone wasn't Roni?

I am deeply sorry for what happened. I hope you will be able to control your anger, your feelings next time...