Hi Fitzy

Well, you've had us all on the edge our seats all day
It's been one hell of a ride.

I hope things are resolved, when you & her family sort it all out.

Just goes to show, how hard these distance relationships are...One minute everything is fine, then BANG!!! Your world is turned upside down.
As has been mentioned, I drew similarities with my previous situation.
It's not like you can just go round and see her...being so far really adds to the pain.

Word of advice, not a good idea having a chat mate??? Stick with the one you love...Just come on the forum, if you're bored...You can see how exciting it can be.

Like I found out, there are some great people here, who really do care. They're never far away, with the sympathy.

Best of luck with it We'll meet up sometime in CDO